Aug 31, 2013 09:33
Husby unexpectedly has a three-day weekend after having to work 6-day weeks for the month, so I let him sleep in today. Doodle, who rather intensely insists on sleeping with us, belly crawled up to me this morning around 6am and snuffled softly until I quietly got up and fed the dogs. I managed to get back in the bed without waking husby. The dogs let us sleep in until 8am, at which point puppy pandeleriuim occurred.
Puppy pandelerium looks something like this: Given I tend to sleep on my stomach, Doodle crawled up on my back, which is oddly comfortable, go figure. He snuffled and wuffled in my hair. Gracie crawled in between us, rolled onto her back and started broncing her legs about. Flash jumped back and forth across our legs, whining and woofing, trying to get our attention, then alternating with cleaning Doodle's ears and eye bogies. All the while, Hobo, the consumate professional, was curled up on my pillow above my head, being petted absently on his head and belly by Josh and I. How he does this I have no idea. Calming hormones must ooze thru his body in gallons. Its the only thing I can figure. Even when Flash climbed over Josh to lick Hobo's face, he just purred and rolled around to give access to his belly better.
This is how my mornings work during the week and why I can't sleep in, but for husby, these are his treasured weekend mornings. He's now slaving away to make a big breakfast with a grin on his face. *WEG*
phase 3