Oct 21, 2012 14:11
Our two farmhands started today, a young couple just moved to Whidbey and trying to get set up here. They are hoping to get full time positions, but in the meanwhile, they are working odd jobs to pay for the residential motel where they staying. They did a nice job, a bit slow, but that's normal for learning the ropes. The animals like them and that's a good recommendation.
I checked on Ebony, our black Silkie broody hen. Still no chicks. She has three eggs and I've very hopeful we'll get chicks soon. I also opened up the blue shed coop to give the young Ameraucanas, Cochins and EEs an opportunity to come out if they want to. I doubt they will, they are, if you'll forgive the pun - chicken. LOL Shady had 6 hours to play in her outdoor pen yesterday, she's pooped today and happy to be in her cage in the foyer.
I'm still a bit sore from my couple of hours working outside yesterday, so I'm sticking to inside chores. I'm so crazy fond of my Method handsoap bottles, so I've been re-purposing them for shampoo, lotion, etc. bottles. Even took a scouring sponge to one to give it a texture. Spent about a half hour re-organizing my bathroom cupboards. A needful thing. Doodle, the love Buggy, kept me company just in case anything edible was revealed. Ever the hopeful Basset. I need to make up a batch of Shy Rose Toner. I've a few other projects I need to get back to. Ta-ta.