Easy Off BAM! will work to kill an inch long female oriental cockroach in your sink.
IT's the problem with spring, lots of rain, and needing to clean out the drain strainer...which I've thrown away. Ick. They love drains and decaying matter and moisture. Ugly as hell. I thought it was someones escaped Madagascar hissing roach.
Fortunately infestations aren't that common. They like outside more than in, though basements might be a nice home. I'll keep an eye out. In the mean time BLAGHGHGHGHGHaAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Good session today. Didn't even cry. AND there was a bad storm or two.
The State responded to us with "I can't answer your questions." Thanks.
Furp called today to in response to a "Are you still alive or have you succumb to the 'little bit of terrorism in the south." Turns out that that little bit of terrorism may step up a bit due to public ire with the local government.
He also told me a great local news bit about a guy who attacked the embassy and got shot for being threatening. How he was threatening while naked was a source of mystery and great postulation to us. I guessed dynamite up the ass (weapons of ass destruction). I guess they fired two warning shots. I asked what they hit.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070424/od_nm/kyrgyzstan_naked_dc_1 We also traded TMI stories. Sweet.
So they told us local property taxes may go up 24% this year and an additional 11% next year to cover the budget. They have until the end of the weekend to fix it before session's over. I'm sure glad they wasted so much time trying to get that anti-gay marriage amendment BS (because the stupid ass bigoted law isn't enough) passed and got that huge raise, bringing their part time job to $42K with expense account. Dirty fuckers.
I bought shoes today. I did well. I only bought 3 pair. A pair of sneaker like things, a pair of sandals to show off my pedicure, and another pair of open toe minitonka brand thingies that will likely not give me blisters.
As I was walking through DSW I realised shopping for shoes is like shopping for guys. The prettiest ones are too expensive and leave you in pain. The comfortable ones are ugly. Half of the ones you end up with you take home and find out they don't work with anything. And when you find the perfect one they are never the correct size.
Oh yeah I explained why I was giggling in the high heel section.