When I got into school today, I noticed that there were five cop cars outside. Middle schoolers were lined up in two single-file lines by gender, to be frisked and to have their bags searched
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http://v-alksnis2.livejournal.com is the LJ's largest pro-White community looking out for the interests of White European people the world over. If you are interested in learning more on what you can do to defend your race visit us at http://v-alksnis2.livejournal.com/ !!!
это шелудивое хайло открыто признается в этом. Ебануться! Люди, кто чего знает про то, как on раздрачивает дупло деревянным пенисом? Попробую описать его подробнее... Я искал про него информацию в интернете и вот что я обнаружил: familija хлюпает очком во сне.
Are you tired of:
Not seeing black-on-white crime reported on TV?
Your country being invaded by third world immigrants?
Feeling guilty for being white?
Politically correct bullsh*t?
If you answered yes to all of these questions you are probably one of us. Come and know us, visit us today at http://v-alksnis2.livejournal.com/ !!!
http://v-alksnis2.livejournal.com is the LJ's largest pro-White community looking out for the interests of White European people the world over.
If you are interested in learning more on what you can do to defend your race visit us at http://v-alksnis2.livejournal.com/ !!!
A white person has pride = racist
A black person has pride = heavily supported
A Mexican person has pride = heavily supported
Does anyone else see a problem here?
Are you as bothered by this as we are?
Join us at:
Educating the white minority.
это шелудивое хайло открыто признается в этом. Ебануться! Люди, кто чего знает про то, как on раздрачивает дупло деревянным пенисом? Попробую описать его подробнее... Я искал про него информацию в интернете и вот что я обнаружил: familija хлюпает очком во сне.
Are you tired of:
Not seeing black-on-white crime reported on TV?
Your country being invaded by third world immigrants?
Feeling guilty for being white?
Politically correct bullsh*t?
If you answered yes to all of these questions you are probably one of us. Come and know us, visit us today at http://v-alksnis2.livejournal.com/ !!!
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