Aug 08, 2001 11:26
well my friends the penguins deyz eating my arms off rite now and it kinda stings none of my friends r online so i'z here updating while my penguins eat my arms yesterday waz my grandrents b-day so imust say happy b-day even tho he never read dis it makes me feel better well monkeey needs to get my pic on here so them u allz can c how U-G-L-Y i am and whell i just need sum fewd i have not eated all day long and i aint hungry but my face hurtz prolly acuz i got hit in da face wit a air hockey puckdeys hard i tell u dat and no1 has voted fer da WC hate page to be nothing and i kno y dat iz itz cuz theyz all still sleeping WAKE THE FUCK P MONKEEYU NEEDA VOTE AND GET MY FUCKING OIC ON HERE GIB JUST WAKE UP AND TALK TO ME ANY1 ELSE WAKE UP WAKE WHERE EVER U R i just got done emailing sum peepz i dont really kno but thats ok i dont kno many peepz anyway well skool iz coming on itz coming on itz coming on and i hate it like always i wish it would just go away i hate skool i have a feeling that dis year will be werse than my last 7 yrz combined i think i will be even lessly excepted now that i show my true colorz and dat aint prep i hate em itz punk goth i'm in the middle and i luv the life i live well cept skool but itz fun to skare the new kids they always find me a bit freaky last year i dressed ike every1 else up until october when holloween got the best of my brain and chewed off my legz and fed me to a frog then put me back at skool to c if i could survive and i ddid it waz only i bit harder than surviving abortion 2 x's in one day and now i just feel to prov my fatefulness to my lrod uh fergot his naem but thats ok i dont need secricy now my lif iz real and the skool children found out wut i am A BIGGER FREAK THAN THEY EVER IMAGINATED IN A NIAEMARES i will party on friday13 and holloweeen only and my b-day of course but they wont understand bcuz i very rarely understand WTF i'm doign here living they way i live but i'm here ur all gonna have to deal wit itcuz i aint goin no wherez sweetened nitemares for all and to all a horrid filled nite