Wow, I'm done with HF. Wow. So far summer's been pretty fun, lots and lots of bonfires. I went to the Sox game on Monday, which was excellent it was great seeing a full house get to welcome Frank back, now we gotta just keep winning series.
Today I started work at Coyote run at the lovely hour of 6 AM, which I should enjoy because next week it'll start at 5. The first three hours were the worst, I was on my hands and knees weeding greens with a pocket knife in the muddy morning ground. After that, mowing didn't seem that bad. Anywho, it was a lotta work, especially given the fact that I worked six hours instead of three. I think that I'll work three hours most days, but we'll see. Right now it looks like I can work as much as I want, so I will, gotta rack up those phatty stacks of cash, y'know?
It's an interesting crew there, a mix of full-time Mexican workers and college kids. Today I was trained on the mower by this old Mexican guy and it was enligtening. I felt a little odd being the rich gringo, who is deigning to take this before heading off to the "hard work" of college next year, while he does this full-time, year-round. But he was really cool attitude. Whenever this asshole mechanic came over and told us what to do, he'd be like "You, don't need to listen to this guy. Just smile and say 'Yes, yes, fuck you.' He's not your boss." or "This job is great. After greens are cut, they just send you out and you can do shit. If the boss is at 4, you go to 15, if he's at 8 you go to 2. Stay ahead and you just fuckin' drivin' around."
And graduation is this weekend and it looks like it'll be nuts. Both sides of my family are coming in, so it'll be interesting but at least they aren't kicking me out of my room as originally planned. Next week Kate and Melissa go down in basketball
Two weeks until Ted Leo!