(a) Guys, do you know if there's a word for...
Those requests for intercessionary prayers you see occasionally? You know, "Please pray for X in her time of need... " This one's printed, if it helps?
(b) -
spn_j2_bigbang appears to be canon compliant to the end of Season 6. This is totally accidental. I think it's the first time, ever, I've written anything *in canon*. I'm still slightly bemused, although with the greatest of glee I've been adding in various bits of evangelical imagery and for the first time, actually feel it's possibly worthwhile. This, I should add, is largely due to
shoofus. But
q_i says cheeringly it's her favourite fic of mine so far.
(c) I cannot wait to get home. Sunday. I mean, I have to be back here in Penrith the next weekend, but on Sunday there will be... Ramen noodles and cream cakes, my own bed, my own feather pillows and duvet and books and music and silence...
Silence. Oh God, silence.