Fic: The Mountain (Marvel, Steve/Tony)

Nov 12, 2013 07:50

Fandom: Marvel. Movieverse.
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Rating: R
Wordcount: 36,000

Summary: Sixty-two days without a single blade of grass, four hundred pitons, twenty-three stoves, six down-filled suits and a moth-eaten bow-tie. Summer 1968: Tony Stark vs. The Mountain. Written for the marvel_bang 2013.

Art: zephre created the gorgeous artwork, the image of Steve in the ice you see below and the one of Bruce's life-saving belay in the story, and posted about it here and here on AO3.

Beta: So many thanks to doro, working once again in a fandom she doesn't read and with an utterly distracted author. She works miracles.

The Mountain

website | AO3

marvel_fic, fic

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