Fic: The Shining of the Stars (Earthsea, gen)

Jul 16, 2012 16:58

Fandom: Earthsea
Rating: Gen
Wordcount: 5000
Summary: For three days and three nights, Ged holds the Door, on Roke. Written for espresso_addict, for help_japan.
Notes: Many thanks to betas bethia_cathrain, doro, Richard and unovis_lj.
People, I had real problems with this story. Ursula le Guin is a superb author, stunning, but in these Earthsea books she’s already covered many of the themes that I find attractive to write. It took, literally, a year before I could come up with something that was an idea rather than a story set on Earthsea, and even so, if you’re familiar with canon, you’ll find the beginning of this story is repetitive and that I’ve dodged canon in one place: the Doorkeeper’s place and name of birth are recorded. I console myself that, for him, that hasn’t yet happened in this story.
I am so grateful to espresso_addict for her patience.
It will become obvious that I am much indebted to T.H.White for the idea behind this story.

The Shining of the Stars

This story is part of the Ten Stories zine, and can be downloaded as a .pdf here from 22nd July 2012. Please right click and download.

Ten Stories

safe for relatives, fic, 10yearsinfandom, misc_fic

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