Hey guys,
I had alot of fun at Otakon, even though now that its Wednesday and my feet are -STILL- killing me. Note to self: Never walk so much where there is NO carpet.
I can say that I didn't go to alot of the panels, but I did get an autograph by Orihime's VA ( Who liked my Ulqui Hime art very much XD , and went to A LOT of photoshoots.
And to think, I went to all these shoots and didn't get too many good shots of me XD I know I'm over weight ( For Szayel anyway, come on- he's a fucking rail), but I went out with bang anyway. I met alot of interesting people and I stuck to my Arrancar family like white on rice. If any of you guys stumble onto this LJ, friend me so I can keep up with you guys.
I tried hunting down and Isaak and a Dietrich but failed miserably. I found an Isaak but she had no counter-part, and I did find two pretty good Cain's. Hopefully I'll get my Isaak cosplay done by Otakon and I'll have the ability to pose with my Dietrich. I might have a Caterina, but that depends if I get in on the group or not >>;
The only bad thing that happened at this con was that I tried to arrange a 'private' bleach shoot and it got out of hand and too many people showed up. I tried to play 'mom' by setting up scenes and what not, but my voice was -really- shot by that point so I had some trouble yelling. But that wasn't what sucked about the shoot. A girl ( A very nice and good Yumichika to be exact ) lost her bag with all her things in it, and I feel -terrible- about it. I know its not my fault, but I still think if the photoshoot would have been 'smaller' this wouldn't have happened. I guess thats why not a whole lot of pics were taken of me, but thats okay, there will be other cons.
I got alot of contact info from the artist alley so I'll hopefully try my hand at networking at some point, I really need to extent out my hand to fellow artists if I plan on making it in the world.
Anyhoo, here are some pics from my camera:
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v227/OneOftwo/Otakon%20-%2007/ OMG..Harry Frickin Potter.
The beginning was amazing and well thought out, fast paced and everything.. the middle.. SUCKED. If I wanted to see Hermione, Harry and Ron be Fugitives I would have re-read the first chapter it happens.. not the eight chapters it DID happen. The climax of the story was expected but amazing. I always liked the idea of Snape and Lily.. and apparently this is the ONLY pairing JKR allowed us.
Who else thought the 19 years later epilogue was ridiculous? It seemed very cookie-cutter.. like the whole story was -meant- to be hokey after all thats happened. The only interesting quirk is that the ressurection stone was lost when all this happened.. thats it. *Sobs at the thought of Lupin and Tonks too* I was laughing at the angst Lupin had.. but it seemed all for nothing.. you know? For him to die an unplayed out death. Not to mention.. when Harry -did- use the stone, I wanted to see Snape pop up.. if only to just have his final word with Harry. But I guess that would have spawned much 'bickering' between the mauraders and Snape >>;
And Draco? He was in the book for like two seconds. His character was kept alive so that Harry could grab his wand? I mean.. come on. I think alot could have been done if Draco had realized he was he true heir to the Elder wand, but I guess only so much can be placed in one book. *grumbles at the 8 chapters of nothing* Not to mention.. I know JKR hates Draco.. but in the epilogue.. to make his hair thining..? I mean.. look at Lucius! He's had about 400 times the stress and has a full head of hair. I think it was just a jab at his character I guess :\
I'll say that HBP is better, if only because I didn't care for all the dumbledore explanation. *Goes to rewrite her own ending*