The Hatred In Her Eyes...

Jul 18, 2003 22:37

So tonight I went to the sucked so heavily..I mean yeah I got to hang with Jeri and Hayley but besides that it sucked...well I saw brandon so that was kewl..but the rest sucked....

Joe and Natasha were fighting...I got fucking silly string all in my hair..Jesus's gf was being a bitch and I didn't get to hang with him all night..and yeah I ran into Jen H...

I remember I was sitting down and Jesus came up and he's like "Dude...the bitch is here" and im like "who?" and hes like "Jen" and then he's like "We should leave" and I couldn't stomach started to turn...I started getting sick..I ended up puking..and hes like "we should just leave" and I like new unless I went up and said Hi to her I'd be depressed all night..I need true closure... so yeah I walk up to her, and she gives me this look of pure hatred...and this dude she's with is like "whose he?" and shes like "Oh that's my ex" and hes like "hey im james" and we shook hands and shit...he seemed like a kewl guy..But the way she like acted like I was just some former possesion she had tossed away, never to be remembered...just to be kind of made me sick and hurt. So now I'm kind of depressed..and i'm suppose to hang with Lana 2mmorow, but like I don't want to depress her, so i hope I can get happy by 2mmorow....

Anywayz here's a survey from jeri's journal...
last cigarette: Never
last car ride: Half an hour ago from taco bell
last kiss: Lana, at the mall last week.
last good cry: Tonight on the car ride home
last library book checked out: Lord Of The Rings trilogy
last movie seen: Pirates of The Carribean: The Curse of The Black Pearl
last book read: The Book rayne gave me "Sweep: book of shadows"
last cuss word uttered: Assmonkey
last beverage drank: Pepsi
last food consumed: Mexi-melt
last crush: Lana
last phone call: Jesus
last tv show watched: Yu Yu Hakusho
last shoes worn: My Sachem Nikey's
last cd played: Die Trying
last item bought: Movie ticket
last downloaded: Dj Dj by The Transplants
last annoyance: Silly String In My Hair
last disappointment: Not seeing Jeri and Hayley smile more
last soda drank: Pepsi
last thing written: Social Security Number
last key used: Kerry's House Key
last word spoken: Okay
last sleep: 6am-5pm today
last im: Lana
last weird encounter: Tonight at the mall...
last ice cream eaten: Vanilla and Chocolate
last time amused: When Brandon and me posed as gay manicans
last time wanting to die: Right now
last time in love: May...but I'm falling in love slowly...
last time hugged: Tonight by My Bassist Joi
last time scolded: Awhile ago...yay my moms being nice
last time resentful: Tonight...
last chair sat in: My comp chair
last lipstick used: Not lipstick..bon bon
last underwear worn: my purple ones
last bra worn: ....none....
last shirt worn: Kerry's Security t-shirt
last time dancing: Yeah i danced at the mall for a second...
last poster looked at: Pirates Of Carribean in McDonalds
last show attended: WoodCockStock
last webpage visited: My bands site
I HURT: Right now
I LOVE: feeling cared about
I HATE: when I am hated for no reason
I FEAR: Failing
I HOPE: to feel accepted soon
I FEEL: bad
I HIDE: behind the frontman persona
I DRIVE: my mom insane.
I MISS: looking in lana's eyes.
I LEARNED: time doesn't heal all wounds.
I NEED: to feel needed.
I THINK: something special will develope with lana.
current clothes: My jesse pants, kerry shirt...
current mood: Hurt
current music: die trying- turn up the radio
current taste: Mexi-Melt
current hair: mangled...
current annoyance: memories
current smell: Tacos
current thing i should be doing: masterbating...or sleeping
current desktop picture: shades of orange sky
current refreshment: Pepsi
current worry: The July26th show...
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