Jul 15, 2003 17:32
So yeah these past few days have been pretty uneventful to say the least, however week days are usually like this...I think sunday I hung out with Amanda, then hung out with Jesus and Megan..or was that saturday...yeah that was saturday and sunday I saw a movie with a bunch of people...I don't feel like listing them...yeah and, so monday I just stayed home...well besides the psychologist and stuff...yeah and played kingdom hearts which is a really addicting game and very funny...anywayz...
Yeah so the scoop on Bleeding Insecurity(my band) is that we are waiting for Kerry to get back from vacation then we are going to start practicing alot...We have "Swelling" finished, "Waste Of Space" is pretty much done, only drum parts need to be inserted..."Drunken Emotions" our acoustic song is about 50% done, but should be done by our next practice. We need to come up with 3 more originals...by august 18th because we may be playing a battle of the bands at the downtown...but nothing is certain...I am hopeing we will play the downtown and my gut feeling says we will...also the august 13th show will happen, we are just currently in search of a play to have it...then we have to factor in the memorial show we might be playing, but I highly doubt it..and also the show August 29th in my backyard, I am unsure on what to call it yet though...any suggestions? So yeah thats 4 shows from now to school starts, not bad for a band thats been only together a few weeks..I just think we can do so much better then we have once dan gets that cast off and kerry gets back...Uptil now we haven't been focused...we've been toying around...when Kerry gets back we are going to buckle down and get some shit done.
Now onto my mother...she has made great strides as of late in her treatment of me...she has actually been acting as if I a human being that deserves a bit of respect. I think it is because she realizes, no matter how hard she pushes I will do my own thing...Yes I have dropped out of summer school, that is no suprise to anyone I'm sure...and I have since applied at Stop N Shop and soon to drop my application off at kohl's...Sills works at kohl's so if I get a job it would at least be fun, and Steve works at Stop N Shop so of course that'd be fun...I also plan to apply at Island 16 because Eric works there and Tune Town...Tune Town mostly because it's the only music store I know that I'd feel comfortable working at. The vibe in that place is very chilled out, and its air conditioned and the over all feel is good...so I'd love to work there...back to my mother, she said shes taking me for my permit next week so that's good and all, I've been wanting to drive for awhile. As for my dad I have noticed he isn't as nice as I thought...dismorning I lay pretending to be asleep as my parents fought...and my dad kept bringing me up and blameing things on me...and my mother kept telling my dad, "Don't say that,he'll hear you and tell the therapist"...I'm not sure what my moms trying to hide, I tell the therapist everything anyway...I just find it saddening that my father is twofaced...looks like I'll never have a parental figure who truely cares about me.:::sigh:::
Onto more stuff on my mind, because it seems everything is flowing nicely as I sit here watching dbz...anywayz, yeah as of late I find my memory has deteriorated extremely. I hate that I am loseing it, because I remembered how I always use to have really good memory, I'd remember the tiniest things...and I loved it...
Also my dreams have been interactive again lately...Meaning I was controlling the dream, I think this only happens when you're half awake, half asleep with a fever...and that's how I have been for about 3 weeks..
My Dream Last Night:
From what I can remember I was with Karissa and we were argueing about why we broke up and she said "do you think it was easy for me?" and I was telling her how much it hurt me and such...and she was like, "didn't you wonder why i wasn't online" and I told her, "I figured you just blocked me" and she tells me that she was out getting drunk and crying, and then she goes on to yell at me for many things...then I'm at my friend rob gould's house and my dad is playing with this white guitar, and my ex ex girlfriend Jen Hader is there, and she's sitting next to me on the couch, but she looks older, her hair is back in a pony tail and her face is wrinkly as if she was sick, and then the scene changes...and I am talking to people online, and checking my bands website...then I'm talking to my mom about shit...and it kept jumping like that to random things...
It's kewl to have interactive deams with choices, its like one of those goosebumps books that had choices like "If you want to open the door turn to page 68 if you want to walk the other way turn to 127" I use to like reading those in 4th grade...:::sigh oh well:::
Now onto the love life of the frontman...a sad place, much reminiscent of a graveyard...lolz well maybe not a graveyard perhaps a WW2 battle feild? Lolz I'm not exactly sure...anywayz, yeah so as for that...I have not been being a whore like I planned too...actually I been..being good...usually when I'm single I whore around like an asshole, but I like this one chick...and I descided not to whore and just wait for her...I'm kind of suprised at my own descision this is so unlike me...something in my gut, call it instinct says theres something special about her and she's worth the wait. Anywayz yeah so hopefully if I wait and such it will all work out...sometimes good things are worht the wait...*Thankz Jesse A*...don't mind that, that's between jesse and I...I'm starting to miss my old CHS buds lately...I need to get in touch with them...
Jesus and Brandon are really psyched about wrestling...we need to start a fed, but with my lack of time, I don't know if I can...if anyone is interested in joining let me know....
Okay now onto weekend plans...Kerry gets back thursday...so practice soon...Friday mall with Dan and Jeri and whoever else I can get to go...that should be fun, i want to do some BI soliciting, cause Joi is geting us buttons. So that should be kewl...saturday I get to hang out with Lana by her house, that is by far the best thing I have made plans to do all week...I honestly can't wait to see her again...and sunday I am unsure what's happening perhaps band practice...well hopefully band practice.
Canada has been annoying me...I have been ignoring him...i wish he'd give up...I'll fix the muffin thing, later when I actually go to school so he needs to just calm down...I was suppose to go to the lake with Debbie but I over slept *on purpose*. I know thats mean but just me, debbie and her friend....would have bored the hell out of me...That reminds me I need to hang with Nicole, since I've never got to talk to her offline for more then 15mins...and I'd like too, because she seems really kewl and we could probably be good friends...
As for what I am doing now..I'm unsure I'm just chillen watching anime, Amanda might come over, watch like Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets and shit...I gotta go take a shower though, I been lazy I haven't showered since sunday night...lolz yeah I'm that lazy! All these weird commercials, like the weird dbz video game commercial where the vegeta voice actor is saying everything so fast it's so funny.and then the "rubby rashrellows" commercial for Scooby Doo cereal is always funny...wow I'm listing commercials, well i better go figure out what to do...byeness