My parents....great people!!

Jul 28, 2006 01:06

It was a special night, for them, my parents that is. Mom was able to get out of work early to spend a nice "wing dinner" at Scooters with dad and I.

She teased about how I ruined their "romantic evening." I knew she didn't care. It was a nice evening with them two. But the nicest part was the ride with my father, on our way to pick her up in Andover, OH.

I made the comment to my dad about a house I liked. Loved actually.

How I wished one day I would grow old in a house like that. Slate colored siding, white molding, wrap around porch, attached garage and a beautiful landscaped yard that my adorable little kids would Slip-n-Slide in. If only it was set back a bit further. Its a grand house. Not too big, and not too small. Set in the country, just the way I like it.

Well I commented on this house and my dad showed me a log cabin two homes down in which he preceded to inform me that, that was the house he and mom looked at some 20 years ago. It was nice but the one we live in now, seems more like home. More than that log cabin ever could be.

I asked him why he and mom decided to move to Kinsman, his response,


A great friend of the family.

I then asked, "Where would you have gone if it wasn't Kinsman?"

"Anywhere your mother wished. I wouldn't be as happy as I am if it wasn't for your mother. Everything was her choice, and her choice always makes me happy, so I was fine with where ever. Because I had her and thats all I need in life"

I sat quietly. So quiet that I realized we need new tires for the Prism because there was a subtle thumping coming from the front passenger side. But I sat there and almost teared up.

What a love they must have. What a strong love my dad has for my mom. How much more amazing of parents can you get than that!?!?

My dad fights for this family. My dad fights for my mom the most. He would would risk the rest of his life to make my mom smile.

My dad is in the worst position our family has gone through in a long time. Probably the worst yet. But when he picked my mother, he looked at her and told her the worst parts about his day, the worst things he always picks out, and my mother looked at him and smiled and said, "Just another day, we'll get through it."

How do you find a love like that?

I watched them at dinner and I realized they have spent over 30 years together. 30 YEARS!! And many times they have wanted to give up, but my father (as well as my mother) have literally told themselves, they can't go on without eachother.

I could only wish to be HALF the parent/lover that my parents are to one another. I want to live to love just like them. FOREVER. I know I have it in me, I just hope that my husband is the same. Loving, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, willing, and eager to make my life just as happy and important as I make theirs.

That's a goal.

So I sat down tonight, and I thought of how great my parents are and how great I can be. They are my role models, my heros, my everything. I look at them and I see me.

My Dad...I am religous just as much as he is....I have to see to believe. He told me tonight that I got that from him. I just don't know if I can believe in God, I have always been unsure. Now, I'm really not sure because someone has given great reason. I am VERY independent like my dad; fixing things, cooking, loving. But I'm also the most DEpendent; I love with all I have, and I would would change my world, move, whatever if I knew it was best for me. He did that for my mother, because he loved her and couldn't live without her. I love wine like my dad, but we still have no idea about it. We're active, we lose weight easily, we love adventure, the outdoors, movies, HISTORY, anything informational, food, and the most important person in our lives..his wife and my mom.

My Mom....I love, care, hope and give the best to every person I encounter that I feel may deserve it, and so does she! We have given those characteristics to people who don't deserve it. We've made those mistakes. My mom loves to work, and its funny...I do too. My mom loves to learn new things. Me too. Shes artistic, as am I. And she has a way with words, and here I am...just like her, only I can't put her into words, shes soo much more than that. My mom and I are scared. Very scared to fail, to lose a loved one, to hurt, to cry, and when we do...our worlds fall apart for about a week, then we pick one another up and brush eachother off. Sometimes it's lasted forever. My mom is thankful for EVERY LITTLE THING someone does for her, and she will let you know it. Thats our BIGGEST trait. We know what we have before its gone....or if it never leaves.

I'm a spitting image of who?? Both. I can't pick or choose.

One day I'll love like that. I'm not scared. Not scared one bit, because I know I have my fathers strength to hold on, and my mothers courage to keep going and never give up on the ones I love the most.

I'm not scared....

30+ years....I can do it...

They did..
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