Two weeks..or less..and some other stuff!

Jun 28, 2006 14:18

This morning I awoke with the happiest feeling, in a long time.

I ran downstairs, saw the most beautiful thing, me niece Kayla and she screamed out my name. I ran, hugged her and did my usual “Goodmorning Sunshine” routine. Afterwards I sat with my mother (in which I haven’t done in long time) and I told her of my previous afternoon. I had spent it with my brother’s girlfriend. I told her about my job opportunity and my mother was so excited and happy for me. I continued by breaking her with the depressing aspect of my day, when my boss told me that my new job is “worthless” and I’m better off at the library.

I gave up. I was tired of negativity. I was tired of waiting. I was getting no where and it was time to take a stand. I looked him in the eye and I said, “I’m getting no where here.” And he replied with, “You’re gonna get nowhere wherever you go.”

That was it. Done.

Today I am putting in my two weeks…or maybe a week. They don’t have anything to do here so it isn’t like they need to make up for my lost “pointless” time.

I’m tired of holding back and doing things or staying places because I’m a nice person and feel they won’t have such a good worker as myself. I am tired of being that nice person to everyone when some people don’t deserve it at all. I am tired of thinking if I stay one more month things will change. I am tired of walking on my tip-toes when there is no reason to. I am tired of waiting. I’m moving on. MOVING ON!

It’s time to better myself. I am not a bad person. I am not a horrible worker. I am not a worthless friend. I am everything I intended to be. I am everything I have encountered. I am the best Bonnie Jean I can be. I know at times I can try harder, but right now, I’ve tried my hardest.

You’ll miss me when I’m gone.

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