Thursday night at McMenamey's(sp?)

Dec 16, 2005 11:26

Finals are over! A little run-down on my classes.

Introduction to Geography- HORRIBLE! Ugh…how is that class soo hard when the teacher is soo….ugh!
College English II-OWNED!!! You better believe I wrote the coolest 12-page paper, when it was supposed to be a minimum of 10. I fVcking rocked it! 50% of my grade huh? How about an A (I hope).
US Formative Period- Purposed of writing 4 papers in that class. I don’t know. But ugh..what a great teacher but what a boring class.
Introduction to Sociology- I better have OWNED that class too. I did “okay” on my tests previously..but that final…wow…talk about knowing what I’m doing.

So I am praying to God I did “okay” this semester. I concentrated on things that “seemed” to be important at the time, but I should’ve just let them go and work themselves out alone. Ya know? Oh well…you live and you learn.

Last night was a BLAST!!! First off, meeting up with you’re the ex girlfriend of this boy you BOTH used to date as AWESOME! The funny thing was, we both hated the boy!! Adrianne and I met way before we met Josh. I started dating Josh, and then we broke up and he dated Adrianne. I “supposably” hated her. Not! Just was furious because I knew she was hotter than me.  Then sadly, she got hurt by him. JERK-OFF! But we started talking and now we are pretty cool with one another. It’s nice.

Well last night Adrianne and I met up at the mall and saw some OLLLDDD friends of both of ours in which we BOTH knew! We know too many people who are linked between us. The funny thing is…her and I never talked until now. How crazy is that? Anyways, walked around the mall…talked and talked...and then decided on Olive Garden. Stopped at Olive Garden and talked about life and a little on God, and why life is so hard and difficult. Interesting perspectives. Yes indeed. Then we headed out to Mc Menameys(gosh I can’t spell today). But yeah, headed out to McMen’s and sat for like 10 minutes. Poor girl should NEVER walk in icy parking lots with HEALS. You have to sport the Steel-toed boots girlie!  Well no one was at the bar and her “boyfriend” wanted her to come over. I gave her the “get-go” and told her it was alright. And it was…I totally understood. I really hope she had a good time.

After that it as like 10:45 and I decided to go to K-mart and walk around for stocking stuffers. Met an old pool buddy there and found out he is doing really well. 2 jobs, new car, new girlfriend that he “likes” (That’s always a plus lol), and he buys jewelry there because its always 70% off. Sillie. I bought a new jacket. $25.00 for this beauty. Honestly..its awesome. Yay!

After K-mart Josh called me and wanted to go out to FINALLY celebrate for his birthday that was like two weeks ago. Being 21 is pretty cool at times. Went back to McMen’s and had a blast!!! And all you LJ friends will NEVER guess who I saw there???


Remember him?!?! Omg I freaked. I miss that boy soo much. Too bad I hate it when he is drunk! But man, old times. We all hung out for the rest of the night before Josh had to leave. To make sure him and Quiggle got home okay I made it mandatory for him to call me to make sure he was good at home. I left at last call. Poor Clark looked so sad. But I re-gave him my number and told him to call if ever things go wrong and he gives up hope. Poor boy. But Gosh, it was beautiful to see him. He told me a million times he has been thinking about me and hoping I was doing well. He never wished the worst for me. I told him I just recently thought of him and was hoping him and the wife and kid were doing fine. He just kinda nodded. I have a feeling he isn’t very happy there. Lol. Too bad another kid is on the way. Gees…breeders.

All in all, the night went well. Josh talked to me on the way home to make sure I got home okay. Such a nice guy.

Tonight I have no clue what is going on. I’m covering for Stephy because she isn’t feeling well. I hope she gets better. And then after work I’m going to do some laundry and head back for a nap. Tonight Curly wants me to come to Akron just to hang. He’s such a good friend. I’m really glad I met him.

Saturday I have plans with daddy to work on my car almost all day. Then at night Adrianne and I and the ladies are all headed out to CELEBRATE her official 21st!! yay!!

Sunday…off to Scotts for Crocker Park and hopefully chess. It’s soo beautiful there this time of year. And what better person to spend it with than him. ::sigh:: We got into it the other night. Long story and I don’t feel like going over it anymore. Let’s just say, the trust-issue is starting over. God, I hope things work out with us.

So yeah, that is about that. I get off work in 30 minutes and my fingers are still cold from coming TO work this morn.

I hope you all are having a great time with the semester ending and heading to be with your loved ones for the holidays. I have yet to figure out what I’m going to be doing for the holidays and on New Years. ::sigh:: I hate not having plans because I always end up driving around and saying “Happy New Year” to myself in the car…alone.

By the way…mom and dad aren’t getting a Christmas tree this year. Talk about depressing…I might just cut one down from the woods and decorate it.

The holidays this year are going to be the worst. Everyone is missing everyone and everyone is soo far away.

Come hold me.

Live Forever-

P to the S: if ever you read this Whitey, I'm gonna prove to you that I'll be okay. ::sigh::

friends, drinking, bar, clark kent

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