Mar 29, 2007 21:55
These "book" things are dangerous....... I've been hopelessly lost in the woods before; and whether you're dozens of miles away from anything or 200 yards to the car, it doesn't matter- you are fully, painfully aware of the consequences of being in this state of utter lostness, and all the worst-case scenarios (which can and do come true), so getting un-lost is a high priority to say the least. Getting lost in a book is much much worse. In this case, there's not the impending sense of doom that will rescue you from spending a day going without food, neglecting obligations, and possibly damaging some brain cells. Some how the little voice that keeps me from getting physically lost (and panics when I do) is quashed by the voices of the characters in the pages. This little voice of reason and sanity just can't compete. Ah, how I love reading!