Autumn Emily ♥ 9.26.05

Sep 28, 2005 15:15

Okay so Monday (9/26) night I started having strong contractions around 3:00 am exactly. I couldn't tell one from the next and it wasn't enough to make me double over. They were one on top of another and at one point hurt to where I was crying. Other than that I was fine. My back and hips were killing me which let me know it was REAL contractions but I was able to walk/talk through them so I didn't think they were the real deal.

I walked around my house alot to bring them on and when my mom awoke at 5:15 am I told her I'd been contracting all night and she helped me try and time them. They were lasting about 20-35 seconds and were 1-3 minutes apart but again, I could walk & talk through them so I didn't think it was "time." They got to their worst when I'd sit down to go to the bathroom, to hte point where I'd be doubled over near tears.

They almost died completely when I felt like I was leaking my waters. I went into the bathroom, wiped, and smelled the toilet paper (gross I know) and it smelled like water, not urine so I was thinking "OMG my water is leaking" because I had done a few rounds of squats to move her down throughout my contractions.

So my mom called Labor & Delivery and explained the situation. They asked what my cervical exam showed at my last appointment and we're like "They've never checked her." so they made us come in. We got to the ER at Southwest around 7:10 am I think. We were taken up to the maternity ward and put in a Labor & Delivery room.

After a few minutes, the house doctor came in and checked my leaking fluid. It was NOT my waters but then he did a cerivcal exam and was all calm, saying "You're cervix is posterior, 4cm dialted, 90% effaced and at about station -2 or -1." So the nurse goes "Well it looks like you're staying and having this baby today!!!"

(f.y.i. the posterior cervix meant it was back behind the babys head)

Okay I about had a heartattack right there. I was like "WHATTTTT?!" I just couldn't believe it. I had been wanting this forever now, I mean, you saw my complaints and whatnot. I felt it was never going to happen, she was gonna be late, I was jealous of everyone giving birth and me not doing anything. So we started calling everyone and everywhere.

My mom went ot get her camera and some other things. Garrett's mom stopped up after a bit and then eventually my stepdad showed up. I was apparently having strong contractions but honestly I didn't feel them. That being said, it turns out the past 2 days when I said my belly got rock hard but I didn't feel it, I was in early labor & contracting, haha.

Around 10:30 am, they came in and broke my water and checked my cervix. Still at a 4, 90% and station -1, still posterior and she was still sideways. That hurt like crazy. Since my cervix was so far back they had to reach in further and harder to check it. And when they broke my water, that was one of the grossest feelings, ever. Warm "gooey" liquid just flowing out... ahhh *BIG SHUDDERS* After an hour or 2 the contractions increased in intensity and frequency but I still was barely feeling a thing. Everyone was amazed at how I dind't even feel like I was in labor :) Lucky, I suppose.

Around 3:00 pm (I wanna say) I started to feel them. Nothing to put me in tears but near unbearable. I was leery of getting the epidural. Scared of how much it'd hurt, so I asked first for Nubain in my IV. They did that and about 5 min. later it got through the IV. Okay NEVER GET THIS ... big warning. My IV injection site started to sting, then a second later my entire body felt like it was burning on the inside. THEN my eyes started to close and my throat felt weird. My entire body felt like it was fuzzy. I couldn't keep my eyes open, and once the initial effect wore off I felt like I was ... I don't know. I didn't feel like anything I can explain but I was so scared something was wrong, like a bad reaction, and started crying. The nurse came in adn said that's normal. It makes you feel drunk.

After about 20 min, it wasn't working and I still felt my contractions more and more, so I caved and asked for an epidural. Nobody was allowed in the room with me for it, so I started crying again, haha. I was a mess of emotions. Hormones were beyond raging. Anyways, I ended up not even feeling the catheter insertion at all. Not even the whole "pressure" they say you feel. Once that was done they checked my cervix again, and I was about 5-6 cm dialated. Everyone came back in the room and the epidural took effect really fast. It was amazing, and I will most definately use this next delivery I have, whenever that may be.

But with both drugs I was "wooooo", so out of it. Couldn't talk straight and everyone was probably laughing at me. Stephanie stopped by and ended up being for the whole thing. The rest is really hazy. I remember being checked and told I was 6-7 cm. Then later I was checked 2x and was at a 9 each time. Around 4:50 I said that I felt a ton of pressure and I thought her head was right there. Nurse checked, and she was right, and I was at a 10. She asked if I was okay with all the people in the room (Garrett, his mom, my mom, my stepdad & Stephanie). I was so nervous yet excited I didn't care. It's not what I planned but I hadn't planned to deliver that day either so I was willing to share it with everyone :) She had my mom & Garrett's mom each hold a leg while she sat at the end of the bed to "test" my pushing & get things started. She'd tell me when I was contracting, since I felt nothing, and I'd push. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. No, THE hardest. I pushed and pushed. Finally her head was almost nearing the "exit" and you could see her hair. All they kept syaing was "OH MY GOD SHE HAS A FULL HEAD OF FUZZY BLACK HAIR! NO WONDER YOU HAD BAD HEARTBURN!" or "OH WOW LOOK AT ALL THAT HAIR!". Finally teh doctor came in and the nurse & Garrett's mom held my legs while I pushed.

I ended up needing an episiotomy, and when he made the cut, Garrett had just happened to look down and saw it and nearly passed out. He turned pale white and they stopped paying atention to me and tried to make him sit and got him apple juice (stole my glory, haha just kidding. it was rather cute afterthefact). After that we got a ton of good pushes in and finally her head was out. Before he cut he was actually going to use a vaccum but I didn't want that at all. Anyways, once we got her head out, he helped pull her out kuz I could barely push anymore.

OH MY GOD.... when he had to deliver my placenta, it hurt so darn bad. I was near screaming, and squeezing my mom & Garrett's hands so hard. It hurt so much. Apparently my epidural was slowly wearing off, haha. He delivered it and stitched me up. My first ever stitches. Yeah, okay the perenium is not my ideal place for first time stitches. It hurt way too much. He was pulling so tight and roughly on the thread, I thought I was going to faint.

I only pushed about 30 min they said.
Set her on my stomach to clean her up. Then weighed her and all that.
So here's the main details.

Labored: 14 hours
Pushed: 30 minutes
Had an episiotomy.

born: September 26, 2005 @ 5:23 pm
7lbs 9 oz, 20 inches long

Got a 9 on the apgar both times :)

Second day there she had a low low fever all day.
She ended up being A- blood type like me so I didn't need the RHOgam shot again :)
I decided to strictly bottlefeed and it's going great.

Brought her home this morning and we're doing good.
I'm sore but that's expected.

Any other details you want, let me know.

Now for pictures:



This is immediately after she was born and was set on my chest.

We have a gagillion more pictures, since my mom brought her digital. Seriously over 150 pictures but not all are uploaded. She only had time to do those.

But I'm sore. In about a half hour or so it's time to feed her again. & I miss her so I'm gonna go finish checking emails and I'll be on when I can.

Thanks for all the congrats and well wishes. It means alot to us both.
& Thank you to those who called or texted me.

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