(no subject)

Jul 10, 2006 03:06

I'm in the market for a housemate, for those who did not know, and I'm trying to get a better sense of what to tell potential housemates about me and what I am like to live with. It occurred to me that it might be useful to get other people's perspective and that this might be a good forum to do that.  Plus it'd just be interesting to see.  Any input is appreciated, especially from those of you who have lived with me.

I asked Heather this the other night.  Some of the things we came up with:

I'm very easy going and tolerant. I'm very adaptable and change my routine quite a bit based on my environment - ranging from things like what i eat and when i shower to adopting the hobbies of those around me.

I keep odd hours, but am pretty quiet. You know how you turn around and see someone standing right next to you and you didn't realize there was anyone else in the room? I do that to people all the time without trying to sneak up on them.  I also sleep pretty soundly and generally fall back to sleep easily when woken, so I'm not generally bothered by someone staying up later or getting up earlier than me.

I'm interactive.  I have housemates because I prefer to live with other people, not because I can't afford to live by myself. I also believe that regular contact makes a tremendous difference in how housemates get along and resolve conflicts.  I would hope to have at least 1 "real conversation" a week.

I work from home a lot and go out more evenings than most people.

Heather felt I don't intitiate a lot of activities or projects, but enthusiatically join and contribute to those started by those around me. I'm not sure how true the first part is, though I definitely am the sort of person who throws out a lot more ideas than I follow through on.  I summarized this as more of a joiner than a leader.  Another one is that I take direction better than I give it.

I need very little privacy.

I don't watch TV. I like movies, but don't watch many any more.  If you are someone who does, I'll probably join you and start watching more. If you're not, I probably won't. While I lived with my most recent housemates, I've started watching TV on DVD. I'm more tolerant of this than I am of watching shows at the mercy of the cable schedule.

(if I missed any big ones, remind me)
To that I'd add:

I'm not very polite.  Not that I'm especially rude, but I'm not reliably a good morning, please, thank you, you're welcome, excuse me sort of person.

I'm very communal. I need clear boundaries about what it is not okay for me to use/borrow.  I will ask if it's convenient or if it's something big, but if not I'll tend to assume it's okay.
I'm not very attached to my stuff and pretty free with it as well.  I strongly prefer to share groceries.

I'm very minimal structure. I don't want to save all my grocery receipts and add them up at the end of the month. I'd prefer to each pay attention to what you use and buy, and if it seems to be unfair, then we can try to work something out.

I'm extremely intellectual with broad interests from psychology to physics to philosophy. And even things that don't start with p.
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