hmpH . . =(

Jun 17, 2005 20:01

mY fridaY! BORING AS EVER .. =(

hmmm..=[ . todaY is nOt a interestinG daY aT all. iT was [dare i say iT] BORING ! -- omg -- i wokE uP aT 11:00 and goT dreSsed .. tO see a hooooollllleeee paper fuLL oF chOres frOm the one and only my mOm .. it was like 5 things ! TO MUCH .. 5 is alot .. clean your room clean the kithchen clean your bathroom dust .. whO dusts ? i mean whatz the pOint is gonna come bacK in like 5 secOndz??! ppL.. theN i was like OMG report cardz are comming .. so i run out side after all the chores are like 1:00..[i took a smaLL smaLL break..hehe] and i saW mY reporT card .. it was terribLe! ahhh .. i got b c c c b c c ..hOw dO i get a C in chorus ? IM A SINGER !!! .. but whatever i stiLL passeD right ? [thatz nOt the right way of loOking at it..bUt it makes me happier =D] theN after thaT itz kinda like bllllllllaaaaaahhhhhh untiL about 3 or 4ish me and mY sisTer [kharisma] were having a goOd tiME ! she was throwing stuFf and iT didnt spiLL .. [mustard lol] theN i threw it and it hitz the stove breaks and goes all over "her" mopped flOOr ..ooooOOpppz !! lolz .. i had to cleaN it all up whiLe listening to her complain about hoW much time she puT intO cleaning the flOOr .. last time i check spraying !ONE! tile and wipeing it oFF isnt harD work .. itz hardly working .. buT then after thaT we blasted some music it was funn cuz she cant sing soo lol .=D lovee you kharimsa. buT shes at work at MAGNOLIA mmaking that paper .. for me ! [pppsssshhh] n e wayz .. so thaTs the begining of this daY .. it weNt by soo fasT!-- wow wouLd u loOk at that itz 7:37 all readY !

basketball .. the sport thatz taking over allll my mother `flippin` lifE!

omG! i had 4 practices in a rOw ! for twO hOurs .. tOday we were *supposed* to have one but it gOt rained ouT so i thought i was gOnna go ice skating but that didnt worK ouT .. =( .. [boo hoo] and tommrow i have a game at 10:30 at UNIVERSITY ..? where ever that iS .. its a tournment .. then in that same daY yeT anOther game .. at 4:30 at South Plantation high..? i think thats in south plantation .. =D ! theN if we win both of those gaMes we play on sUndaY .. buT after my game at 4:30 i have this thing for basketball [ all this is for basketball] at Office depot ? or home depot one oF thOse depotz .. then i think at about 7 i should be dOne for the daY .. theN jusS when i though i was dOne with baskeTball i find out mY daD signed me uP fOr a caMP at taravela
[tar-ra-vell-uh] and iT starts aT 9:00 !! AM!!! ahhhhhhh! .. so i was like thankz dad u seize to amaze me .. anything else u signed me up fOr i don`t knOw abOut ? :( .. so i wiLL be geTTing hOme next weeK staTing MOnday [cOmming uP] at about 3 .. yay .. so much for summer .. and i thinK i have anOther tOurtement after thaT .. i dunnO any oNe at that camP im gOing to .. think i played against mOst of then anD i hOpe sOme of them talk to mE .. ;) . but theY can haTE it they want to. [i dOnt want to gO AT ALL]

xOxO . brOokLynnn <3
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