
Jun 12, 2005 12:14

Omg heYy! yesterdaY was sOo fuN. ! I wenT to the movies and saW the honEy moOnerz ! wiTh Valerie Maria and Barbara . I did`t waNt it to bE a bIG thinG ** oMG it was Sooo FUN !! .. Okay sO we bought our tickets early cuz we thought it wouLd bE soLD out right .. common sense -- so we got in the movie and it was empty as heLL!there was some ppL but i thought it would be more! omG there was like a whole bunch of Old ppL there so Me and Valerie were like coOl more room for us so we ran up to our seaTs . and there were alot of teEnz behinD us and we were like cooL! sO the movie was kinDa boring .. lol .. but it was sorTa funnY --but no1 got the jokes-- sO i told valerie and barbara and Maria to laugh really loud when a joke was saiD .. lol -- So we did we were like cracking up like 5 minutes after it was over and these bitches behinD us were like ha ha no .. i was like whatever they dont know me fukk em .. lol =) [good was to handle a situation] so we kePt on dOing that .. then these other ppL behinD us [not the bitches] were laughing toO .. like uS .. i was like we have beeN out doNE!! [such trend setters] so then the bitches we like copying them and the the other ppl were like ha ha your gay .. nD i was like OOOoooOOOOooo! so then everyone saId ooOOOOooOOOooO to . iT was funnY ! mE and MAria had our feEt uP then these old wrinkly ladies [lol] comE and move froM there seaTs to right infronT of us! what the heLL !! i was like leTz move dowN .. anD then that old laDY start talking on her ceLL phoNe louD as eveR me and Valerie we like SHhhhhhhh!! we tryin to watch the movie!!!

Oh and Barbara and Maria if your reading this ME and Valerie snuck in some snickers pop-a-bulz [sp?] lol iM sorry!! we ate then alLL! lol ** i luV yoU !

xO ! brOoklyn
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