SchooL.. gamE ..

May 24, 2005 21:11

T0daii was the most interesting and surprising days like ever* I went to schooL and wasn't that happy [surprise] and theN i got happier when i saw aLL maH friendz .. ----fast fowarD .. I went to reading for long houR.. I had mz FURHMAN !! aHHH !! Shes a gooD teacher but she spiTz a wholE damn lOT .. jusS everywhere .. **Once she was giving back tesst and i swear minez was weT and coLD! [eewwwwww] I took a picture of callie and Steven .. [when i find out how to put them on here i wilL] caLLiez turn out reaLLy gooD actualLY .. and as for stevensss well .. n e wayz lol ][ After schooL i stayed and i saw the middle school 3 on 3 Gabe [6th grade] Lost him orvile and daniel .. awww poor babyzz.. BUt i think Gabe in the 8th grade w0n!! i saw him at his rec gamE .. there score was liKe 75 to 30something .. and Gabe was winning they cannot stop him he iiss juss to gooD .. Speaking of basketbaLL ** I haD mY game and we wON!! BECAUSE OF ME!!! it was like 7.something seconds left and i got fouLeD [sp?] So i was shooting 2 shoTz .. and the score was 26 to 26 [low score ..i kn0] buT then i made BOTH OF MY SHOTZ!! I Was sooo happY . Omg dont even ask me how i made them cuz i have no idea .. So that was VERY surprising .. **very** .. then after schooL i did something else .. i went to rickyz house with alexis .. we stayed out side so donT worry .. gosH u freaKz .. we kinda juss hung around for a whiLe and whatever .. it was fun in a boring kinda way .. :) ..

So over aLL i had a reaLLy fun daY ! I hope it wil be like that tommorow i didn't do mrs kaplan project ...hehehe imma baaaddd girL.. lol .. and umm wel i really dun care cuz i get A's on all her test and A's on project soo i dont know and dont care how it gonna affecT my gradE .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have her first hour and i have a tesT [vocaB]!!!!DDDDDAAAAAANNNNNNGGGGG ... o weLL i pass all her test.. the day i dont pass her test is the day im 4 feet taLL .. which iz NEVER !!! lOL! seE yaHz ! xO

LivE in thE momenT.... So many woRdz come to minD wheN i thiNk aboUT you [s*o*s*] ... Words froM a Wise FriEnd "DONT THINK SO MUCH YOU RUIN FUN WITH YOUR ABSOULUTLEY TURE FACTS JUST ENJOY NOT KNOWING AND FIND OUT IN ADVENTURE...not bookz.. please"!
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