MEME PT DEUXhaaaaai tell me what you really think of me. or whatever.
telling off my friends got something done! party on Monday!!!!!! but we have no idea what we're doing.
Fuck sleeping. I'm done. Done done done. But, so my Mom's watching Long Way Down or whatever, the documentary about Ewan McGregor and his buddy motorcycling across half the world? AND GUESS WHERE THEY WENT LAST NIGHT. THAT'S RIGHT. TUNISIA.
which, um is where half of Tatooine was filmed in Star Wars Episode IV. WHICH MEANS MY BRAIN WAS TOTALLY FUCKED, WTF OBI-WAN AT THE LARS HOMESTEAD WHAAAAAAT but omg there's a Star Wars bar and gift shop and evertything there, right, and EWAN MCFUCKINGGREGOR WAS WALKING AROUND THE ENTIRE TIME AND NOBODY NOTICED. But it was so incredably epic, I would love love love to go there even though I would probably burst into tears at random points. nnnnnnnnnnnngh.
anyways, school time. LOL at people forgetting it was a late start Friday. haha.