2nd Circle [Written]

Jul 17, 2009 02:39

[There are a couple of dots from Ed tapping his pen on the page and then he begins writing.]

Those people, the Malnosso, they must have some pretty advanced sciences. From what I've hear, it sounds like they can achieve feats alchemy is far from accomplishing. Getting people across worlds is hard enough, but to do it without the gate or following Equivalent Exchange is amazing. Not to mention the amount of people they're able to bring here at once. I'd like to know how the managed the wings as well. Is it some form of human transmutation like chimeras with bird DNA? If so, how were they able to make only the wings show up?

More than anything I want to know how they bring people back from the dead. It seems there's a bit of a price to it, but considering your bring a person back to life, it's not that significant. That exact thing is something alchemy has been trying to do for hundreds of years, something we couldn't even do, and they can do it in the blink of an eye. It's hope for us though. If they can do it, that means we'll be able to find a way too, even if there is a bit of a price.

I have my thoughts about Luceti itself too. I think it's a converging point. A meeting point where all times and all worlds mesh together. Either that, or evidence supporting the theory that everything that happens in our world is happening again at any given time in another world. That would explain why it's so easy for them to pick us out of certain times and why we don't remember if we've been here before.

science, mommy!!!!!, alchemy, geeking out, stupid gate, think you can do better?, i'm smart!

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