Apr 16, 2008 03:44
What is it like, I wonder, for people to go to bed and actually fall asleep within minutes? Me, I don't get that luxury. No, I try going to bed at decent time (for me) and end up tossing and turning for two and a half hours. So here I am, still awake and not at all tired. Problem is, I'm working 1-9 on overtime tomorrow, instead of my normal 5-1 shift, and I actually need some rest. But my body just won't cooperate. When I do finally fall asleep, I have such trouble getting out of bed when my alarms go off, that I'm afraid of oversleeping. I can't afford to do that tomorrow. Part of me is like, "Hey, you're awake, might as well get some stuff done." But I should be sleeping! If my body would just behave then I could be fast asleep right now. This is ridiculous. I wish this were a one-time occurence, but alas, this is an all too frequent situation. Can't get to sleep, but when I do, man, I don't want to get up when I'm supposed to. Ugh.
I'm open to any suggestions anyone might have for getting to sleep.