Sep 17, 2007 20:45

Little by little, the tribes used the Earth up. Barren, she had little left to offer them. Swollen of her, they left. And for the first time since the Great Burn that birthed her, she was alone. The Earth cried, and terrible were her tears. Acid and caustic, the spawn of the tribes' rape. They flowed a century.

The fire that finally came did so as a blessing.

Earth-That-Was was that earth of myth - part tale and part soil, and each single worm a miracle. We were too fickle. Bing dong san chi, fei yi ri zhi han.

Now they make copies of us, more than seventy, and stick us in the stars. So much for terra. Taking us out into the gaping comfort of black, where sands shift and worlds fade - and some not fast enough. Poor, slow Miranda.

All you see is the verse. Or hear it, if you look hard enough. But it was never our world.
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