
Jan 01, 2006 17:03

This is to the HPO, if any of you happen to read this :

I'm sorry I left the board. Apparently, my Neopets decided to be an ultra bitch and now it won't even load for me. Like, at all. And if it does, it takes 10 to 15 to 20 minutes to load a page. Which is what happened last time. TNT should get this fucking fixed, and fast.

Just wanted to let you know, Ducky, Angel, if either of you are reading, that's why I left. Bitchy Neopets. Ducky, if you would please get a copy of the POTC summary, and NM it to me or something, I'd be like uber appreciative.

Hopefully this gets fixed before I get on later, damnit.

I'm uberly sorry, guys. This is the SECOND EFFING TIME I've had to leave a board because Neopets stopped loading.
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