so i will do a quiz thing
TV Questions
Choose 4 TV Shows:
- Community
- 30 Rock
- Arrested Development
- Big Bang Theory
The first character I fell in love with:
- Abed
- Liz
- George Michael
- Sheldon
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
- The Dean
- Kenneth
- Maeby
- Sheldon
The character everyone else loves that I hate:
- Britta
- Hazel
- Flawless show is flawless
- Amy
The character everyone else hates that I love:
- Chang
- I love Pete Hornberger but I don't imagine people hate him
- Flawless show is flawless
- Sheldon?
The character you’re most like:
- Garrett
- Liz
- George Michael
- Sheldon
The character I’d slap:
Who are your five favorite characters:
- Abed, Troy, Dean, Jeff, Annie
- Liz, Kenneth, Jack, Dennis, Jenna
- George Michael, Buster, GOB, Lucille, Tobias
- Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Wil Wheaton, Kripke
Who are your least favorite characters:
- Britta, Pierce
- Hank Hooper, Nancy Donovan, Hazel
- Michael
- Amy, Priya
A pairing that you love:
- Annie and Jeff
- Liz and Dennis
- George Michael and Maeby
- Howard and Bernadette; Penny and Leonard