File 26 - Untitled Document

Nov 19, 2009 11:11

[Locked from the Inaba Police Force and Dr. Birkin//Unhackable]

Senpai, I know that the past few days have been rather busy, but if it's at all possible, I'd like to begin training in the TV world. I need to learn to effectively wield Sukuna-Hikona's powers so that I won't become a burden to you all.

[Locked to the Investigation Team plus the ( Read more... )

busy busy busy, yukiko amagi, mihael "mello" keehl, !canon move, foreshadowing, investigation, conan edogawa, souji seta, saguru hakuba

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clockmaster November 19 2009, 16:36:59 UTC
I cna try to lock all the unlocked psot of the comm using Doyle.


truthinfortune November 19 2009, 16:57:24 UTC
You could really do something like that? The only problem is identifying which ones to lock...

In any case, that probably won't be necessary. If it's been left out in the open for this long, then the information has already been leaked. The damage is done.

At least no one in the Investigation Team could be identified in those broadcasts made to the community. Dojima-san doesn't appear to frequent the comm all that much, which is fortunate for us, but I'm worried about Adachi-san's loose tongue. He doesn't really know when to keep his mouth shut on certain matters...


clockmaster November 19 2009, 17:50:44 UTC
I cna try to do it. I did that to some important post of Conan and Heiji when they were too distracted to lock them properly. Doyle analize the comm in a daily basis, maybe it's not that hard.

Tsh. That might be true but..we can try just in case. Who says that the culprit it's only one person?


truthinfortune November 20 2009, 01:21:57 UTC
I suppose the best thing to do would be to lock all the broadcasts made by the Shadows, at least. They appeared to be the most damaging, for now.


Precisely. There's a possibility that the culprit has an accomplice. I don't have any solid evidence at this time, but there was an interesting comment made earlier from whom I can only guess is the true suspect... We have Mello to thank for that.


clockmaster November 20 2009, 22:44:46 UTC
Good idea.


What kind of comment? And can you explain me how you get that warning letter please?


[Locked] truthinfortune November 21 2009, 06:04:59 UTC
Well, this comment thread seems to be indicative of the suspect's involvement with the case in Inaba. Either it's the murderer or his accomplice...

It was Souji Seta who received it. The letter was left in his mailbox without a name, address, or postmarks. It's likely that our suspect simply put it in there himself. The letter simply reads: "dont rescue anymore". The text is a warning, while the subtext expresses the culprit's confidence that we can't use the letter to pinpoint his identity.


[Locked] clockmaster November 21 2009, 19:37:03 UTC
He didn't mean it at first..he was dragged into this, maybe?

That mean that he delivered the letter himself, but I doubt that any finger prints would be found even if you check. There are any cameras around Seta's home?


[Locked] truthinfortune November 21 2009, 20:13:52 UTC
Perhaps. He was purposefully vague with his answers, which means he knows that he's being observed, probably by the police. That's why I want to keep as much information from Dojima-san and Adachi-san as possible, lest they somehow leak sensitive information to ears that shouldn't hear it.

You're right. That's why I didn't even bother sending it to a crime lab. Not only that, I don't want to raise any suspicions around Dojima-san.

No. This is a small town. Video surveillance is restricted to areas like the bank or Junes. And I questioned some of the neighbors, but none of them saw anything suspicious. As usual...


Re: [Locked] clockmaster November 21 2009, 20:47:05 UTC
There's always the possibility that the culprit is someone else who always posted anonymous in the comm, not Dojima-san or Adachi-san.

That was a wise choice.

Too bad, They neighbors didn't saw anything strange?


[Locked] truthinfortune November 21 2009, 20:54:57 UTC
Yes. But Adachi-san is particularly loose tongued when it comes to information about the case. Not only that, he's been speaking to that Dr. Birkin quite a bit. He's a rather shady character, and he could be using this information for his own purposes, so make sure you lock any important information from him, too.

No, nothing at all. In fact, the only think people in this town seem to care about is the latest gossip and what's on TV...


Re: [Locked] clockmaster November 22 2009, 00:52:10 UTC
I know a bit about Birkin, He and Doctor Stein are a really special persons. I will, don't worry.


[Locked] truthinfortune November 22 2009, 01:26:45 UTC
Dr. Stein? Who's that? I don't believe I've spoken to him before...

It's become a bit worrying, to be honest. No one seems to talk about themselves anymore; only about other people. Yukiko-senpai brought that point up, and I think she may be right...


Re: [Locked] clockmaster November 22 2009, 01:58:46 UTC
the doctor Franken Stein, a man with a scar on his face and a giant bolt through his head, he occasionally turns it while thinking, dont' ask me hwo is he still alive. He's the professor of a friend of mine, but she's nto longer in the comm. He loves to experiment and it's a bit insane, but usually interesting to talk with.

Something is messing with their mind?


[Locked] truthinfortune November 22 2009, 03:28:34 UTC
Ah, I believe I know to whom you are referring now. We've never actually spoken to one another...

I don't really know what it is. Everyone is just so obsessed with the fog lately. It's all anyone ever talks about.


Re: [Locked] clockmaster November 22 2009, 20:12:44 UTC
He's not openly mean or anything but he has his moments...

Everybody except the people kidnapped?


Re: [Locked] truthinfortune November 22 2009, 22:07:46 UTC

No! No one even talks about that anymore! It's almost as if everyone has completely forgotten, unless someone reminds them about it.


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