File 01 - Okina City Case

Aug 16, 2009 19:26

The results from the forensics lab have come back. Fingerprint evidence has identified two suspects: small time burglars that were previously arrested, but released on probation. The authorities should have no trouble following up on those leads and apprehending the suspects.

What I do find intriguing, however, are the results from the jewelry store ( Read more... )

investigation, issei ryudo, casework, kaitou kid

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stripping August 17 2009, 02:23:13 UTC
The scene being clean I can understand - if it's those burglars who had been caught before, surely they don't want to repeat their earlier mistakes and leave evidence that would lead to their arrest. But taking only certain pieces from the display case? Were they just the most valuable ones they could carry, perhaps?

I'm not a detective by any means, so feel free to ignore my opinion.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 02:33:17 UTC
That was a previous theory I had considered. But since the jewelry heist was the last in the string of burglaries, and because the target was the merchandise rather than the safe, my suspicion is that there is a third suspect that was hitherto unknown.

To answer your question, no. There were a number of more valuable pieces that were ignored by the perpetrator. Which means, perhaps there is some connection between the pieces that were stolen. The proprietor identified several pieces: an engagement ring, a wedding band, a necklace, and a pair of earrings.


stripping August 17 2009, 02:36:36 UTC
Ah, that does make sense.

An engagement ring and a wedding band - if it were just those two, I would have thought it was a crime made of a desire to have nice things to give one's bride-to-be. But that's likely much more common in fiction, and it doesn't fit in with a whole jewelry heist. Hmm, the goods rather than the safe... Someone who was unable to spend much money without raising suspicion?


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 02:42:36 UTC
Yes, I suppose you're right. It's not often that real life mirrors the episodes in detective literature.

Perhaps. Although, it should be noted that this shop also purchases jewelry from private sellers, and not just artisans. I intend to find out if the jewelry store acquired those pieces recently, and from whom. I suspect that those pieces are part of a set. But I need to confirm my suspicions first.


stripping August 17 2009, 02:44:43 UTC
Good luck with your case. From what I know of you, I'm sure you'll find the culprit with ease.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 02:47:13 UTC
Thank you, Issei-san. It's been quite a while since I've had a case that challenged my intellect.

So, how goes your work at the temple?


stripping August 17 2009, 02:51:50 UTC
Oh, the temple is the same as always. We get fewer visitors during the summer, but that's soon to change. And I need to continue on my training to become a fully-fledged monk. Still, this is the kind of peaceful life that I enjoy.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 03:00:12 UTC
Isn't the Tanabata Festival coming up soon? I'm not sure of the precise date, but I know that it takes place in late summer. After the Obon Festival. Or is it before...?


stripping August 17 2009, 03:04:31 UTC
In ten days, I think. I've never been much for festivals, but I do plan to write out a wish.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 03:09:08 UTC
I remember I used to try catching goldfish at one of the vendors when I was a child. And I always wanted to get a festival mask of whatever sentai show happened to be popular at the time. I wasn't interested in making wishes...

What are you going to wish for this year?


stripping August 17 2009, 03:10:41 UTC
I never watched many sentai shows. Then again, we still don't have a television in our home, so that's to be expected.

The safety and happiness of the people I care for.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 03:14:20 UTC
Well, my parents monitored how much TV I was allowed to watch very carefully. Only two hours a day. I had to spend the rest of my time reading or playing outside. Too much television can be detrimental to one's health. Are you allowed a radio, at least, for newscasts?

A most admirable wish. I suppose I should wish for Grampa's health. It's been far too long since I visited a shrine.


stripping August 17 2009, 03:17:48 UTC
I expect that's part of the reason why we don't have a television. We do have a radio, and I was eventually allowed to visit the public library for computer use, although by that point I think I could keep tabs on my own time.

I can include him in my prayers as well, if you like.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 03:27:04 UTC
It seems to me that many of society's ills can be blamed on an overabundance of television. Children become lethargic, their minds grow dull, and parents often use it as a tool to entertain their children when they should be spending time participating in more wholesome activities. Of course, one can't blame the technology itself; the blame lies with how we use it, of course.

Ah, well... if you like. I wouldn't mind.


stripping August 17 2009, 03:30:40 UTC
I know what you mean, but I feel as though the cause goes beyond the television and into more general culture changes. Children want instant gratification, and aren't used to working for what they want. Parents take jobs with long hours because they feel the extra money is worth the time spent away from their family.

I'll be sure to, then.


truthinfortune August 17 2009, 03:40:00 UTC
Yes, you're probably right about that. While having enough money to live comfortably is important, the missed moments in your child's life can never be regained, no matter how much money you earn.

Thank you. Ah, he's not suffering from any particular maladies, or anything. It's just... he's the only family I have left, so he's always in my thoughts.


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