What's Currently Going On...

May 07, 2012 15:17

Active Bingo Cards
spanking-world (Holiday Bingo)

ladiesbingo (Round 5)

genprompt_bingo (Round 13)

trope_bingo (Round 10)

Amnesty Bingo Cards
hc-bingo; Rounds 3, 4 and 5.

Active Prompt Tables
Coming Soon

Original Work
Can be found here.

I give blanket permission for artwork or podfics to be created using my fanfiction, all I ask is to be linked to it so I can squee over it. All original work is covered by copyright that makes exceptions for Fair Use.

All current prompt tables can be found here :)

I am currently attempting the "100 Things Meme" by filling 100 kink meme prompts. For more info or to request a prompt, please see this post.

List of resources here.

List of Sig Tags

Posting Template
Word Count:
AO3 Link:

Fanwork Disclaimer: I am not associated with anyone. I don't own anything except for a rather dirty imagination. I make nor seek any profit from any of my fandom endeavors. As Bryan Adams once said, everything I do, I do it for you.


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