TITLE: A Different Type Of Intimacy
agirlnamedtruthFANDOM: Smallville
GENRE: Femmeslash
can be found here)
PROMPT: 011 Intimacy (for lover100) and I is for...(for diteysblessings)
SUMMARY: Because they aren't the usual.
WARNINGS: Suggestion, sex refs.
NOTES: For my table at
lover100 and for the ABCs challenge at
diteysblessingsDISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.
For some, intimacy is being comfortable enough to not need makeup or to brush your hair before you open the door. Or staring deep into each other’s eyes while they made love. Or craft fairs or weekends in with movies or pitching a tent in mud just for the fun of it. But for Chloe and Tess, it was coffee in tiny tea shops and chucking papers off Tess’s desk at home. It was running around Watchtower naked in the small hours of the morning and it was collaborating cover stories for why their lunches always seemed to run long. It was conducting a casual relationship so well that nobody even noticed they were seeing each other.