Drabble: Laqueus (Morgana/Morgause; PG13)

Apr 13, 2014 18:25

Title: Laqueus
Prompt(s): Twisted into something fierce / strength
Word Count/Size/Length: 100
Rating: PG13
Pairings (if any): Morgana/Morgause
Warnings: Violent thoughts.
Summary: Morgause cares for a wounded Morgana and vows to make her strong again.
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1459075

pairing: morgana/morgause, !challenge (femslash100100), character: morgana (merlin), fandom: merlin, kink: angst, rating: pg13, ~posted, character: morgause (merlin), kink: violence, !challenge (camelot land), kink: dark themes, work: fic, category: femslash

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