Merlin Fic: We're All Just Pieces In Their Games (Morgana/Gwen; PG13)

Mar 20, 2013 02:27

Title: We're All Just Pieces In Their Games
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Morgana/Gwen
Word Count: 2088
Prompt(s): Written for the prompt 'Game' at dailyfics, 'one day at a time' for 52-challenge, 'lies' for 100-women, 'undecided' for fanfic50, 'hands' for lover100 and 'Just A Game by Birdy' for writerverse. Heavily inspired by the song.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Mild stockholm syndrome.
Summary: Gwen loses track of when she's lying and when she really does feel for Morgana until it all blends into the same.
Notes: Set during 3x12-13, mild spoilers for the episodes.
AO3 Link:

!challenge (dailyfics), !challenge (lover100), !challenge (writersverse), character: morgana (merlin), pairing: gwen/morgana, fandom: merlin, rating: pg13, ~posted, !challenge (misc), !challenge (100_women), character: gwen (merlin), work: fic, category: femslash

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