Russia Today TV is beating the BBC and other news channels at their own game of TV news and comment.
This research is not about numbers of viewers but about quality, variety and veracity of information and its profile in the overall day news. It is at this level where Russia Today scores highly.
In term of numbers, Russia Today viewers have risen exponentially, we believe, but BBC still has the numbers in its favour in Britain.
While the original BBC's 'News 24' was killed off as the endless repetition of manufactured news was losing credibility, the new format 'BBC News Channel' isn't fairing much better either.
But the Russia Today news format is gaining so many news watchers in the UK that it is already influencing selection of news items on BBC and other channels like ITV news.
At the same time, Russia Today appears to be filling the international space that Al Jazeera left empty after their initial success on the Iraq war coverage and the first couple of Arab Spring cases.
It may well be that Al Jazeera is based in a country not powerful enough to sustain the onslaught of threats and intimidation from American diplomacy - which knocked the Arab channel off the 'independent' pedestal. Qatar is today the local Middle East gun runner top dog, together with Saudi Arabia and US.
[Spoiler (click to open)] Russia Today, on the other hand, is supported by a former superpower which gives it an edge over other world channels to confront US domination of the news, which creates subservient TV. Even the BBC falls into this category, when it comes to international news. Most of its pundits are based in Washington DC and the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq didn't help them to fend off government interference.
The slow demise of the BBC as an objective news channel is coinciding with the surge of Russia Today.
Russia Today studio presenters were some of the first to stand up and walk around the set showing the paraphernalia of TV equipment which was always hidden behind the camera in US and UK. This helped Russia Today to appear as a more open channel.
While BBC correspondents seem slow in picking up news trends, Russia TV 'star' journalists appear more independent, faster to the news and more committed.
One would have to be stupid not to notice that most of Russia Today's TV presenters are pretty and young.
This could bring accusations of sexism and ageism. But the apparent weakness is counterbalanced by the courage of their opinions. The females (it's a very feminist channel) seem to have their own opinion about what is going on and how news can strike a chord with viewers.
In the US, UK and most of the EU, mainstream TV viewers can't get full information on what is even happening in their own countries, let alone to their own countries There seems to be an interest to support the status quo, even if that status quo appears to be in need of urgent discussion.
Russia Today TV makes global news worth watching again. It's a different voice.
Let's face it. Russia TV presenters and correspondents don't mince words when criticising the US and EU domestic and foreign policy mistakes and fallacies in all fields of human endeavour.
But who can blame Russia Today for doing that? After the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia has kept its distance from intervening in world affairs so it had a lot of time to watch what was going on. And what is going on is not a pretty sight. It found that EU and US have turned the world into their own playground with wars, bombing and financial collapses.
As examples of innovative programming there's Peter Lavelle's CrossTalk. He finds expert opinion from different parts of the world, with new ideas and points of view, just like Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert also do for Keiser Report, another ground-breaking programme.
Quite surprising it is that the BBC and other UK and US channels can never find those types of guests, especially as they speak perfectly good English.
Other programmes such as Breaking The Set and World's Apart as well as Keiser Report create the dynamism in news and comment that is setting Russia Today apart from mainstream TV media.
The difference may reside on the fact that Russia Today not only gives the news but also gives an alternative explanation to the causes and consequences of war and peace.
The following issues have been constant in Russia Today TV roster of news in the last few years.
- NATO Afghan War. - US and UK Iraq War, illegal under international law - Iraq and Afghanistan war crimes. - Depleted Uranium use in Fallujah - Renditions and torture - Guantanamo - US drone bombing of Pakistan and Yemen. - Bahrain anti-govt demonstrations. - Libya War, illegal under international law. - Iran War preparations and rhetoric - Syria revolution. - Syria War preparations and rhetoric. - Egypt's coup d'Etat. - Mass worldwide surveillance by UK and US.
All the above events have given Russia Today the edge over EU and US channels simply because Russia was not and is not involved in any of them.
EU and US channels have been compromised by their need to support their government's own war efforts, such as NATO countries in Afghanistan; US and UK in Iraq; and UK, US and France in Libya.
Twelve years of self-censorship have had a negative effect in audiences of the countries involved, as nobody these days is stupid enough either not to notice a shortage of proper criticism of foreign policy in news channels such as BBC, RAI, CBS, ABC, CNN, ITV, SKY TV and the French Antenne channels.
A recent coup for Russia Today happened when none other than 'the devil incarnate' Vladimir Putin appeared to be more in tune with UK and US electorate, as David Cameron and Barack Obama were preparing to rubber stamp the bombing of Syria, which was finally cancelled to their unending embarrassment.
As if the above news items had not provided enough material for a different approach in Russia Today's news programmes, the US and UK banking collapse, followed by the Occupy movements of those countries, with added student and workers' protests in Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal provided extra unadulterated material for Russia Today editors.
It was clear for everybody that something very rotten was going on in the West's financial system and that traditional news programmes were not reporting it critically enough.
It took at least a month for the BBC, CBS, SKY and ABC to pick up on the huge Occupy movement in America and Great Britain.
If it didn't get the correct coverage while it was going on, less so now, when it is less apparent as the original camps were violently overrun by local police, providing even more up-to-date coverage for Russia TV viewers and silence from mainstream TV channels.
The defection of Edward Snowden and his heavy information luggage (1) proved a god-send for reluctant Russia to be seen as the champion of freedom of speech and freedom itself.
Had Snowden stayed in the US or travelled to a 'friendly' country such as UK he would've been thrown into prison, just like Chelsea Manning (formerly known as Bradley Manning) and Julian Assange.
While Assange lingers on under house arrest in a foreign embassy in London and Manning is serving 35 years in a US prison, Snowden is a free man in Moscow and can walk at least to Siberia if he wants to without the fear of a US Navy Seals rendition team nabbing him.
Another soul who told the truth and is lingering in a US prison is John Kirakou: he blew the whistle on the CIA's torture program.
The cases of Snowden, Manning, Kiriakou and Assange were widely covered by Russia Today. But not just covered like the BBC does with a few seconds. They were made into headline news for several weeks.
The voices and views behind most documentaries shown by Russia Today are not Russian but American.
The documentaries are produced in the US but don't get distributed there nor in any UK channel.
While BBC takes many months and millions of pounds to set up documentaries that toe the official BBC editorial line (not too critical of anything and always underlining that our societies are much better than others), Russia TV has been mining the documentaries of the US and world independent sector. The kind of committed, hard-hitting, really riveting documentaries that don't find a conduit in the traditional mainstream democratic TV media.
Subjects covered are poverty, war, banking fraud, unemployment, surveillance and pollution. All the subject that are no-no's in most Western TV channels.
Have you seen any anti-Monsanto documentary on American of British TV? We don't think so, since the US Congress even approved a law to make Monsanto the company and its executives free from any future prosecution if their crops turn out to be toxic in 50 years time. Russia Today has aired a number of amazing documentaries about GMO crops. Unheard of on the BBC.
Russia TV has also covered exclusively the two global anti-Monsanto marches in more than 400 cities. This event only carried a small piece in the news of the BBC and ITV and only about a demonstration in Parliament Square in their London section.
Documentary highlights includes 'Genetic Chile' (GMOs), 'The Big Fix' (BP's oil disasters), 'The Fear Has A Thousand Eyes' (urban surveillance), 'Golden Rice' (food corruption), 'Toxic Leather' (industry) and Russian documentaries such as 'Black October 1993' (Moscow putsch), My Son Ex Terrorist' (terror recruitment) and hundreds more.
The editorial of Russia Today is not apparent but soon they will have to reconcile some adverse news such as domestic gay issues, and the Pussy Riot and Greenpeace activists imprisonment.
But as long as Russia remains distant from world interventions in the scale of Iraq or Libya, it will be easy for Russia Today editors to appear independent.
This is countered by the fact that the influential post of Chairman of the BBC was recently given to former Conservative Party member Chris Patten. He was chosen by UK prime minister David Cameron himself.
Patten then proceeded to choose not one but two Director Generals of the BBC. First the hapless George Entwistle, then Tony Hall a couple of months later, after dramatic events that left the reputation of independence of the BBC tarnished.
The recent 'Savile-Entwistle' saga was only a symptom of how news have become stale in the BBC, subject to endless editorial reviews to avoid pitfalls that may jeopardise careers.
For years now BBC editors have preferred to specialise in domestic coverage like Olympics and royal events and in distant foreign revolutions rather than on views that may criticise government policy.
Names given in their Twitter accounts.
@MaxKeiser and @StacyHerbert
Fronting their famous programme introduced as "Markets! Finance! Scandal!" Keiser Report have educated Britons and other countries about what really goes on behind the scenes in the City of London and Wall Street, under the protection of our own governments. A must see to find out about #banksters and how they operate. The hot topics covered by Keiser Report are never even acknowledged by BBC or other mainstream TV channels. They are simply ignored. This has increased the number of viewers of Russia Today and Keiser Report among UK viewers and transformed its presenters into cult figures.
Fronts a programme called 'Breaking The Set'. She looks absolutely amazing in her stiletto shoes and tight tops.
But hold on. She has no qualms in sinking her needle stilettos into the heart of the matter, which usually is US dirty wars, Monsanto, drones, legal banking fraud and US government chicanery.
Nothing remotely similar happens in any channel of the EU and US. Journos there are on a tight leash. If Abby had her way with TV executives in those countries, they would all be sporting stiletto wounds in their buttocks.
Gayane Chichakyan pops up mostly in Washington DC but also sometimes in Moscow. Great reporting. Committed, argumentative, opinionated. US and UK foreign and domestic policies makes it easy for her and Gayane takes the opportunity with gusto.
OK. Agreed. Yulia Shapovalova is devastatingly attractive. But so are BBC's news presenter Fiona Bruce and ITV's Nina Hussein. Some kind of physical attraction seems the norm in world TV these days.
The difference is in what they are allowed to say, how free they feel to speak their heart. But if you have conservatives and defenders of the status quo on TV, they will always say the things that protect it, making it dull.
ITV Nina Hussein
British TV journalists must feel free to answer the public's need without fear or favour. They were all surprised by the public revulsion against Syria bombing, as in 2008 they were caught by the banking collapse. This year also many TV journos called the Egypt bloody coup a 'revolution' at the beginning. Despite getting it wrong many times, British TV insists in being an uncritical media.
The difference is that @Yulisha covers the news with poise and passion. She appears freer than her counter parts in British TV. You get the message clearly when UK or US have done something wrong.
On the other hand Fiona Bruce and Huw Edwards are excellent when reporting royal news such as jubilees, weddings and births. Unbeatable at that. Real poise, we have to admit.
@sarafirth_RT, @Polly_Boiko and @LauraSmith_RT
We cannot end this investigation about the news channel Russia Today without mentioning three of their London stalwarts, Sara Firth, Polly Boiko and Laura Smith.
Perhaps because Arbolioto is based in London we have come to check what they say regularly.
All three are first with their microphones where the news that matter happen but the mainstream TV fears to tread, such as the Occupy Movement, Monsanto marches, unemployment, NHS marches and protests, CND and Stop The War coalition marches, Julian Assange interviews, Banksters fraudulent operations, Frack_Off camps and many, many more.
Such is their indefatigable interest that if you want to know about an NHS protest, check Russia Today news first.
For reason's of space, we are only naming here a few of the star journalists of Russia Today. Other names to watch are
The impact of Russia Today on modern TV journalism covering world events without editorial limits has been noticed by many. However, they claim it's a 'Kremlin Propaganda Machine'.
The point is that as long as they report the facts that we can't get from our own TV channels, they will continue to rise.
It is a fact that Russia Today's vast array of correspondents around the world has created a new interest in TV journalism without frontiers or banners. For the time being at least.
Don't think that it's just the presenters. Alyona Minkovski was poached from hard hitting The Alyona Show on Russia Today to present a gossip show on Huffingdon Post. Money is not everything in journalism.