Sep 24, 2007 00:38
From the days cavemen drew on the walls and told stories by campfires, to the Greek and Roman Plays in Coliseums to the Theater of Shakespeare and Miller (but not Shaw) to the Music of Mozart and Elvis to the Film of Hitchcock and Spielberg we now stand at the pinnacle, at the eve of the very ultimate debut of entertainment in the history of this rock called earth... and love it, or hate it, it's name is Halo 3. Listen, I'm not saying it's the best (it's not even on my top 10 personally), just the biggest event in Human Entertainment ever. at LEAST 4 Million copies will sell tomorrow alone. Look I'm not saying this game is going to rock anymore then I'm saying Pop Music is the best music there is, but still thats kind of an amazing feat Microsoft has going on over there. Now I get to be in the whirlwind absolute center of it, if anyones bored come hang out with me for the midnight launch, The entire Bungie team will be there as well as a myriad of other random people like WizKids and games for Windows types, not to mention all the game developers who will be lined up waiting for their copy, a few of them who already have it are helping me with line management as well. Needless to say I'm a little worried... gamers get a little crazy when they want something and I have to keep a crowd of over a thousand people in check. Good Times.
SWEET! Check them out at quicktime.
Hillary Clinton is pissing me off... to see why, watch this weeks episode of Meet the Press.
I'm in the Beta for both that crazy Pirates MMO, Call of Duty 4 and Hellgate London. Clearly Call of Duty is eating up most of my game time at the moment but I'm sure Hellgate will soon become my game of choice which leaves the question of finding time for Pirates. Not to mention Halo 3 which I'm sure I'll have to play just because.
I really liked the first episode of Kid Nation, I realize no one else watched it but I have to say this is the first reality tv show I genuinely liked, and not just to make fun of.
Ok I'm done with random Patrick-Culture updates. pEACE!