Apr 22, 2007 19:58
Well I continue to fail at posting about my life, so here goes a random train of thought I just had. I was sitting here playing Little Bomber Man, thinking about the old days in CIM class with Nico, playing when we didn't have something better to do, which was the entire time, and just chilling out. That was back when he wasn't cool, and we both had short hair. So I was sitting there playing because, despite the beautiful weather, I was bored. Then I noticed that Little Bomber man really is a rather depressing game. To start out, you're a little kid wandering around blowing stuff up, and occasionally killing yourself, and getting rewarded for all this. But at least when you die, you look sad before you carbonize and and reappear back at the beginning. It's the monsters that are really sad. They all have frowns and wander around in straight lines, unable to go anywhere until you set them free. They look so miserable. Then when you finally blow them up, they smile as they are vaporized by your explosives. Can you imagine smiling as you die in a fiery blast? It must be really terrible being a monster that they actually welcome death. They want to die, but are incapable of killing them, and so you are in fact doing them a favor by killing them.
But what makes the monsters so sad? Is it because they are lolly pop shaped, or blue blobs, or accordian frog things? Is it because they are doomed to float about in straight lines? Is it because they are trapped in between the little blocks? Is it because they know they are doomed to kill or be killed when little bomber man comes? Is it because they know they have no purpose and no chance at relief without death? Is it because they lack arms and legs and the ability to use bombs themselves and they envy little bomber man and his roller skates, and cool abilities? You have to wonder. Little bomber man has all these things and he is sad to die, but the monsters are doomed and happy to die. Perhaps they just believe its their purpose. Maybe they are Hindu and believe that if they are good and follow the rules of the game they will be reincarnated as some higher computer function, or perhaps even a real creature. If you think about it, it must be the worst position in the reincarnation chain, to be a computer creature, devoid of free will and trapped inside the screen.
But perhaps there is another motive beyond the thoughts of happiness or sadness for this smile. Perhaps it is a smile of malice, a smirk, a grin of knowledge of something bomber man isn't aware of. Perhaps They know they will be born again in the next level, perhaps even as a better monster, and there they will have their revenge on bomber man. At worst this situation leaves them right back where they were when bomber man dies and has to start over. But this leaves the question, if they are so smart to know their fate, when bomber man certainly doesn't, because otherwise he would see the futility of his task and stop trying, then why aren't they depressed by the other factors I've already mentioned? Is their intelligence bent on this one part of their lives, and so they do not bother to think of the rest? Could this be the explaination for their simple movements and lack of motivation to kill bomber man?
From here we can progress to another question. What would happen if they took this focused intelligence and turned it elsewhere? What terrors could they put on bomber man? Would they chase him with intent and purpose, focused on the kill? Would they trick bomber man into blasting the entry way over and over again to free their friends trapped inside? Their evil could know no bounds. Or perhaps it would be the opposite. Maybe they would really be good. Perhaps bomber man is really the bad one. He is the one who blasts through killing for his own ambition. Perhaps the monsters would become a productive tribe, building and mastering technology beyond bomber man's. Perhaps they already have. Maybe thats why those bricks and power ups are there. They made them and bomber man invaded their homes and mercilessly attacked them. The player may in fact be the ultimate evil, driven by ignorance into sacking the homes and businesses of innocent monsters. Perhaps they kill only because they can't help it, perhaps they don't know any better. Or perhaps they are just defending their homes. Who can tell? Not I. It is a mystery we may never know. Perhaps they are pleased to leave the world of terror made by men and thats why they smile. Maybe they have an afterlife free of humans and their weapons, filled only with piece loving monsters where they can build without interference.
Whatever the cause, it would seem that death is the final release for the monsters, and whether for good or evil they go on to a better place. It is the way the world has worked and will continue to work. Bomberman lives, and the monsters will die. So it goes.