The Screaming Texans

Apr 05, 2007 20:16

So Jordan and I are starting a Creamo band named the Screaming Texans.( Creamo is a new wave of music that Jordan and I created:Country Screamo) I think the only things Jordan and I can handle are vocals and light percussion work. We need a rhythm guitarist, a bassist, a full out drummer, and someone who can scream with a southern drawl. I would also love a fiddle and or DoBro player! So yeah, send in those demo tapes. In other news, my dad had minor surgery today. He is fine, but he is going to be out of work for about 3 weeks. Since my mom is also out of work these days, it should be quite the adventure. Lets just say that I am glad I will be up here for most of the next month. Easter is this Sunday. Although we probably won't be going to church, I will be celebrating with Easter lunch at my cousins house. It all makes me nostalgic for the days of egg hunts and full out Easter Sunday regalia. I had the hat, purse, white patent leather Mary Jane's, frilly pastel concoctions, and frilly socks. It was always a lot of fun, and it seemed to never rain on Easter Sundays back then. Easter always makes me wonder weather or not I should be more involved in church. Then some pastor somewhere says something insanely un- Christ like, and I remember why I avoid it. I know as well as anyone, that the vast majority of true Christians are kind, caring, open minded individuals. However, our organized front is,and has been, void of that kind of sincerity. The church in the United States spends nearly all of it's time monitoring sex in some way. Abstinence only in schools, no gay marriage, HIV is somehow deserved by those that the church deems deviant. I think Christ had other things in mind when he set up his church on earth. You know, maybe helping some poor people, curing the sick, offering comfort to the spiritually and emotionally broken. All that seems to fall to the wayside of the Modern Church's agenda. I am proud to follow Christ and his teachings, the problem is that no where do I see those teachings reflected in organized religion today. AGH! Enough ranting. Enjoy Easter everyone. Celebrate what it truly means to you, weather that is the Resurrection of Christ, the dawning of Spring, or the miracle of Fertility.( you know, eggs and shit)

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