Aug 30, 2006 15:00
First day of school...was okay.
1st period Ballado: This class...I might have some trouble in, depending on whether or not we review on past things for the next few weeks. Already finished syllabus signing+check.
2nd period Vincench: Seems like a big class, good thing a lot of my friends are in this class. *smacks self* sigh another wasted oppurtunity (inside joke) No hw.
3rd period Rothfuss: I will really enjoy AP Stats. First of all, this teacher is pretty awesome and second of all, I have a lot of friends in this class as well. No hw.
4th period Rios: Okay, I might switch this class but I'm not sure if I should. First day seemed really boring and no one is in this class. I'll give it another few days. No hw
5th period Smoot: AP English...okay this class seems kind of moderate. Luckily she's a very nice teacher, just that I wonder if she is uber strict on hw. Practice essay on Thursday and practice M.C. on Friday.
6th period Zimmerman: O_O she's crazy!! There shouldn't be too much of a struggle with this class because homework load seems easy and there's that +150 extra credit point notebook at the end of every quarter xD no hw, got syllabus signed+check.
So I guess my only complaint is web design. Anyone know if any pre-cal classes are in 4th period? Or should I change my elective?