I'm alive!

Oct 05, 2007 13:04

I find myself wanting romance, but not nessesarly with someone one else. The past few months the most romantic times I have had, have been by myself. A beautiful hike and view in the mountains, exploring Boulder and staying at a youth hostel (and declining an invitation to go to a "huge party" to instead be by myself) The other day I went on a lovely walk through a bog, and just how everything happened it was like I was flirting with nature. It was cute, haha so maybe I'll take back what I just said about romance by myself and replace it with this confesstion "nature,will you date me?" hahaha well that confestion isn't anything new. I was dating Mt. Princeton this summer, he was beautiful and tall and hansom especially before 6am when he turned purple.....ah ya it was just for me....he called me his little sweety pie! hehe
So anyways sometimes I am a bit concerned about myself sometimes enjoying being by myself too much. But I think it is reasonably healthy, i think more people should be able to spend time with them selves and enjoy it and not feel stupid. I went to the Ocean last week (a.k.a lake Michigan) and it was such a great time! Everyone was with their siginficant other all bundled up and walking up the peer to the light house to watch the waves crash against it. I brought some company too one, my sweet puffy vest was holding me the whole time! (he's pretty sweet to me!) and my bottle of green tea (he only visits me when I'm on the coast of lake MI) a.k.a my model. Anyways I rolled the pants up and was playing on the shore and talking lots of pictures and got as close as I could to the crashing waves on the peer and felt very playful and just a full unity of 21-yr-old-Triina and Child-4-Life-Triina.
Anyways I have that school thing, and then that Emily thing (Emily's coming to visit hooray!!!)
Hooray hooray it's a beautiful Thursday!
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