(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 11:54

Good things have happened
I've declared my minor in Recreation today and the 2 classes I need to take fit perfectly in my schedule, and I was amazed and suprised but I was like man I shouldn't be suprised I finaly found something I should have been doing for a while. God is showing me things oh so much. I love it how I decided to minor in Recreation too, I bumped into my roommate from freshman year at the dorms, Twanna, o.k so we we had nothing in common when it came to hobbies and adventure levels but we both loved Jesus, were laid back and seeing her made me miss her and really appricate a otherwise dull freshman year. The slogan of our room was "where 50 cent meets snowboarding" cuz we had this huge wall with a huge huge huge poster of 50 cent (ya I lived with 50 cent for 9 months be jealuse) and on the other half was a bunch of snowboarding pictures. Hehe Anyways she's the one who suggusted it to me and man i didn't I think about it before? Ohhh Twanna thankyou for enlightening me!
But I went to my class thinking I had an exam but it turns out its on thrusday which I'm pretty happy about there are a few things more I'd like to go over !
Man oh man things are winding down!
Alright time to leave the Berhard Jail and go home for some lunch and to fill my head with more regulated theories that we are to memorize and believe are the absolute truth and fact.

I'm lauphing now cuz I'm trying to think what I suggested as a good band name or a album name it was horriable it was a name of some horriable 90's alternative band that once someone listened to the album they would think "crap why did I waste my time listening to that?" It was something like "leaving but not gone" o.k so it's not that funny but you know whats worse? the movie "The Benchwarmers" I saw it with Theresa and Will and friend and Theresa paid for me cuz it was a date (hehe)but yeah I could hardly even take it, it was that bad! it had funny lines but I could hardly even stay in the theater to watch the whole movie it really tried my passence and so with that I'm rpoud but I felt dumperer hafterwards hehehe
o.k really it's time to go

p.s I made peach pie last night yummmmmm!
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