Sep 02, 2008 22:11
Okay, mostly I need some Rufus Wainwright...but you *and* some Rufus would ROCK my SOCKS! (and mebbe a lil' Mimi's ice cream)
I am in need of some motivation. "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" with a dose of "Instant Pleasure" might do the trick.
On the up-side, all my requests for letters of recommendation are in, so it's just up to me finishing the paperwork and writing essays.
Also cool is that I have not yet been bit by a big mean parrot! (only the little psycho parrot) I might even put myself in a position where it would be physically possible to be bitten tomorrow. (I've actually only been interacting with the birds from outside the cage except the training thing on Sat) I'm pretty pumped about the birdy stuff. Just gotta get my act together on essays and such. Which reminds me, I will be deleting my LJ (and FaceBook) sometime soon-ish so anything that might have been questionable won't be out here. I'll be back in late March (after acceptances come out). Sorry guys, but I'll be on my same e-mail as always and the competition out there is just too steep.