Updating, Yeah I have not been!

Sep 17, 2009 00:25

Its been a while, I would like to say my life has been too full to write in livejournal. It has not, although I had a pretty nice summer and technically if you go by the pagan calendar its still going on. But, actually I just have not felt like writing for some reason. I think its because I am still processing so much. All of the eclipses this summer plus I have been currently going through my Saturn Return. Which has been alright, not bad, not spectacular, just lots of processing and lots I am not currently aware of.

I am still trying to figure so much out about myself. I have been doing lots exercises to improve upon myself. I guess I am getting impatient in dealing with my flaws. I kinda want to just take my hand rip them out and discard them. But I so also realize its a process, eh, and light cannot exist without darkness. I just wish there would be some positive change in sectors of my life that have not seen any positive change. Honestly perhaps in some respects I might have developed a few things that are slightly ahead of my peers, but hell in other aspects I feel so far behind, I feel like I am 12 just hitting puberty and trying to figure out stuff. I of course am trying to not measure myself to people I know and what they are doing, but sometimes it just gets to a point where it seems everyone around me has racing shoes and I got shoes made of clunky iron blocks.

Yes I am looking forward to the New Moon on Friday at late 25 degrees Virgo, because yes it is near my Saturn. I hope to start new ventures, one in particular, I'll mention more details as it develops. The tarot project I am working on with my partner is forefront on my priorities list and that is good. I mean hell, whatever mishaps and things I complain about it, which are not really that many, I feel grateful to work on such a great project. Its fun and I am doing something productive and creative! Especially since I was not really able to work on all my other photo projects I would have liked to have worked on, eh, I just gotta rethink a whole lot of things, specifically the way in which I approach such projects and learning to be a lot more flexible and a lot more dynamic and risk taking. Its a challenge to all the earth in my chart.

Oh and to you mosquitoes out there that are still biting me relentlessly, I have a deal for you, if you give up blood, I'll go Vegan! Stop biting me you motherfuckers!!!!!!!!! Fuck why are honey bees dying and not mosquitoes, thats some fucked up shit right there!
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