Feb 27, 2005 19:18
I played my first 2500 point battle today. My army was as follows
The Nightbringer (HQ)(360pts)
Necron Lord (HQ)(100pts)Destroyer Body(30pts)Phase Shifter(30Pts)Phylactery(15pts)Lighting Field(25pts)
2 squads 20 Warriors (Troop)(360 pts)
1 squad 18 Warriors (Troop) (324 pts)
5 Destroyers (Fast Attack) (250 pts)
3 Wraiths (Fast Attack)(123 pts)
10 Scarab Swarms (Fast Attack) (120 pts)
3 Heavy Destroyers (Heavy Support) (195 pts)
3 Tomb Spyders (Heavy Support) (165 pts)
I fought Tao on interesting terrain. Heres' the scene (yeah i was gonna draw it, that takes too long)
So we have two sides of the board both walled up by impassible terrain. one side was exits only on one side, the other has exits into bunkers, one of which doesn't let you out the whole way. In the middle is an open feild. the open moveable areas are in an s-shape.
The following rules are in effect - Deep Strike, Inifiltrators, Escalation. The game ruel: seek and destroy. most victory points wins.
So turn one, all troops deployed (58 troops). Jeff deploys his troops plus he gets kroot infiltrators and some other special vehicles with more units. Okay long story short, here's the basics.
Turn 1: My guys begin to move out, no deployment yet. Necrons do not get to fire on enemies (we are slow). Jeff with his logn range fires on my guys, hurting a troop (soon to be called squad three).
Turn 2: Couple of guys get back up. Necrons rock like that. From now on, I'll refer to squad 3 as squad three because they earned their point cost. Enter the necron lord and the Nightbringer. Lord moves up to attack the kroot. Nightbrigner does the same, moves into position. He bolts the kroot guys, one goes down. Troop three moves up some more, i believe they fired.
Jeff retaliates by hurting troop squad three pretty bad, moves kroot guys up. Stealth units are obnoxious. Ah yes. I beleive its this round that my further back necron army fires on and decimates his stealth squad #2.
Turn 3: Spyders enter, so do heavy destroyers. Destroyers get on roof, troop three gets more of their moolah worth. Nightbringer still stuck with kroot. Spyders make swarms. Troops move up into bunker, not close enough to hurt kroot yet. Lord moves up to attack and wipe out enemies who were shooting at squad three. Jeff gets soem more guys, deadly fellahs, uses most of his dudes to decimate squad three. Tries to hurt squad three with rush from injured vehicle They dodge. Assault between Nightbringer and Kroot goes well. Gets some of his shooters into vehicle, gets out o my reach (as far as nec. lord goes)
turn 4: Almost all of squad three gets back up. Arharhar. These guys rock. Enter scarab swarms, who pester heavy units of jeff's as they deep strike. Heavy destroyers decimate Jeff's HQ. Nightbringer gets aid from some 18...17 troops who wipe out the kroot klot. Nightbringer and Lord move up to whack some more of Jeff's troops, lord does poorly in melee, but doesn't go down. Nightbringer not quite in reach. Squad Three stuns a DF which carries a whole bunch of guys. Squad 2 (18 guys) takes down the slamming vehicle. Jeff gets two really pwoerful uits in back who can hit anybody on the feild. yipes. Again, most of his guys train fire on squad three. A few fire at the nightbringer... but he IS a GOD...so, yeah. A few of his big guys in theback are buggered by swarms, war of attrition there.
turn 5: Enter Destroyers who boost to building top, can't fire. Also enter wraiths who move up. these guys won't see combat. Why? Okay. Lord enagges troops again. thats cool. 18 member troop moves up some more. Squad 3 havign resurrected from one guy to 5 fires at vehicle with guys in it, again stuns it. Heavy destroyers shoot at the big machine in the back, get through it. blow it up. That basically calls game. jeff's lost too many units to win, so the necrons win. Nightbringer never makes it to the second group. He stairs at them in a mean way, though.
So way to go necrons!