Dare 16

Nov 02, 2008 14:01

[Go out on mischief night]

co-written with ssa_morgan and i_willpout

Really, getting into the club hadn't been difficult. Lucy was pretty sure it was because of her costume and she refused to wear a coat over it, despite the fact that it was freezing (at least according to a Southern girl turned California girl). She wasn't certain whether she should be proud or embarrassed that she was the most naked girl in the club. Either way? She didn't really worry about it. At least this Halloween she was wearing underwear. The outfit sort of required it. In accordance with the whole hooker theme, Lucy also had on thigh high 'Pretty Woman' boots. Derek was dressed as a cop to go with her hooker. The club was crammed with people, all of them dressed up. The music was loud and Lucy had deemed tonight 'shot night'. Alabama slammers preferably.

Weaving through the crowded floor, Derek and Lucy decided to start the night with two shots each. At the bar, they waited their turn and then Derek ordered four shots of the Alabama Slammers that Lucy had promised him that he needed to try tonight. They toasted the first shot and downed it and then took the second one at their own pace. Derek squeezed his eyes shut, realizing how strong they were instantly. "Wow! That's some heavy stuff, Baby Girl. You gonna be able to stay upright?"

"Hmm, I can drink a lot for my size but either way, I'm me and I'm wearing four inch heels. I'm landing on my ass drunk or sober. It'll just be more fun drunk," Lucy told him as she shimmied closer to him in time with the music. Halloween was one of Lucy's favorite holidays. She didn't have to make any excuses for anything she did. It was Halloween. Also, she was allowed to dress as skanky as she wanted to. "What about you, Pretty Boy? You going to be able to stay upright? I've seen these babies down linebackers. Of course he did drink the whole pitcher... We're cabbing it home, right?"

Cabbing it home was a given and something he had planned for before they had even left. There was no way he would put himself or Lucy in danger and they had both agreed that they were having a good time tonight, but he nodded anyway to appease Lucy for her question. "I'll do alright for myself. Don't worry about me. You ready for a dance?"

"So ready," Lucy agreed. She grabbed Derek's hand and tugged him toward the dance floor. Sticking close to him was a given, even if the crowd didn't make it mandatory. Once they'd reached the approximate center of the dance floor, Lucy turned to face Derek, her arms going up around his neck. She shimmied her hips against his and laughed, her head tilting back. Lucy was apt to fall down just walking across the street (or on the dance floor) but she could dance. She blamed years and years of catillion and cheer leading classes. With his hands resting lightly at her waist, Derek moved along with and against her. They had been dancing before so he knew that she was an excellent dancer. He also knew that they worked well together whether it be sex, dancing or anything else.

The dance floor was a mass of people, most of them in some stage of intoxication so when one of them bumped into Lucy, she wasn't surprised. She laughed, falling into Derek and catching herself. Her body was flush against his, her head tilted up to look at him. "I think they wanted us closer together," she yelled over the din of music. She lifted her hair up off her neck, wishing now that she'd worn it up instead of her usual bouncy curls.

"I'm not complaining." Derek spoke over the loud music also. "But are you alright?" While it was freezing outside, inside it was hot and he helped Lucy lift her hair up.

"I'm so good. I'm awesome sauce," Lucy grinned as she leaned into his hands pulling her hair up. "It's just hot in here but then I'd rather be in here than out there!" She tiptoed and pressed her mouth to his in a kiss, her hand sliding into the collar of his shirt to rest against the curve of his neck. She broke the kiss breathless. "Sorry, I was just inspired to do that and now, I need to pee."

That was his Lucy. In one breath she was so sweet and outlandish at the same time. He nodded, taking her hand in his and lacing their fingers together. Weaving through the crowd, he led her off of the dance floor and towards the back corner of the establishment. "I'll wait right here, alright?" He told her, standing in the hallway where doors to the Men's and Women's restrooms were.

Lucy rarely took the time to quantify sweet or outlandish. It popped in her head and came out her mouth. Even more so when alcohol was added to the mix. "Okay. I'll be right back," she told him, tiptoeing to press another kiss against his lips. She sort of got distracted, as Lucy was very apt to do. She nipped at his bottom lip, her hands flitting down his shirt to undo buttons and slipping her hands inside his shirt. A shrill whistle broke her concentration and she pulled away breathlessly, biting her bottom lip. "Right, bathroom."

She took a step backwards toward the restroom, almost stumbled and laughed before she turned to walk into the women's restroom. Of course there was a line. There was some unwritten rule that women's restrooms always had to have lines. Lucy was normally good with lines. There were people to talk to in them. She ended up chatting with a decent Marilyn Monroe and a half naked cop. The whole side venture was going well until a girl dressed in an Auburn College Football uniform. She had the jersey tied up in a knot at the small of her back to show off her belly, short shorts and her brown hair in pigtails. She was cute but her taste was incredibly unfortunate in Lucy's opinion.


The girl stopped, glancing over at Lucy. "Did you just ewww my outfit?"

"Nope. I ewwed your really shitty taste."

"Excuse me?"

"Please. We're ranked number two right now. We're the only undefeated team in the SEC. What's Auburn ranked?"

"Oh. My. God. You're a bama fan."

"Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Tide!" Lucy yelled.

"Bitch," the girl muttered.

"Tasteless whore," Lucy responded.

And then the hair pulling started. Along with the biting, kicking and clawing. Lucy might be a slayer (albeit a drunk one right now) but when fighting a girl, she still fought like a girl.

Even though he had heard the 'Roll Tide' from Lucy inside (which had made him grin), it wasn't until two girls ran out of the bathroom, talking about the hair pulling fight inside that Derek knew that anything had happened. He pushed open the door and looked inside the women's restroom to see Lucy and some girl in a scuffle. "Hey!" His attempted interruption from afar didn't interrupt anything. Drawing a deep breath in preparation for going where no man should ever have to go.

Derek ran into the bathroom and circled his arms around Lucy's waist to pull her back. In the process he caught a heavy clock to his jaw from the other girl. "Calm down. Calm down, lady. I'm just trying to get my girl outta here, alright?" He tugged Lucy towards the door and out into the hallway just as two bouncers came running at him. "Look, we're leaving. Alright?" He told them.

They nodded, realizing that Derek had Lucy under control and ran into the bathroom after the other girl who was still coming at Lucy.

"Orange is for whores!" Lucy yelled as she leaned back, tugging against Derek for a moment. "Auburn loving bitch," she grumbled as she went back to allowing Derek to half pull her out of the club. "You aren't even in the top twenty five!" she yelled again.

As he moved both he and the scrambling tiny blonde in his arms, Derek cast apologetic looks to onlookers and gawkers. He got them past the bouncers at the door and outside to the curb before he stopped and just held onto her tight. "Lucy, Baby Girl you gotta calm down. Not even in the top twenty-five means they aren't worth all this, don't you think?"

"She called me a bitch," Lucy pouted almost as if she were really hurt by the girl's accusation. "And she was wearing an Auburn jersey. Derek...that's..." she made a face and shook her head. "I have no word for that. Me, Lucy Locke, talks in her sleep and rambles at top speed. *I* have no words for that." In fact, she'd had a lot of words for that and she'd hurled them all at the girl at top volume.

Finally she sighed and slumped against Derek. She looked up at him, pout still firmly fixed on her face. "I ruined our night but we could go to another club. It's Virgina, surely there's no one else that's an Auburn fan here." She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and looked up at him from underneath her lashes. She slipped one hand up to rest against his neck. "Oooooor you could cuff me now for bad behavior."

Rolling his eyes playfully, Derek reached to the back of his belt where the pouch that held the cuffs was. He withdrew them and let them dangle from one index finger. The other hand made a circular motion for her to turn around. "That's right, Princess. Hands behind your back."

Lucy beamed a smile at him and turned around, her hands behind her back. "But Officer, I'm sure there's something I can do to make it up to you," she said in a pouty voice, looking over her shoulder at him. She wiggled her butt, making the very short skirt swish. She couldn't keep from giggling while she said it though. "Obviously, I've never done this for real."

Derek snapped the cuffs at her wrists and with his chest to her back guided her up against a wall. "It depends on what you had in mind, Pretty Girl." He teased, leaning down so that his breath flutterd over her ear when he spoke. "How do you wanna make it up to me?"

Lucy whimpered and tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. She tugged at the cuffs, just stopping herself from breaking them. "Depends on how public you want to go. Alleys are always good and I wouldn't be opposed to the sidewalk but I think you might," she told him in a throaty voice.

Smirking lightly and biting down on his lower lip around a smile, Derek tugged on the cuffs and stepped back. He guided her to the nearest alleyway, making sure it was empty before he pushed her back against the bricked side of the building. He leaned down to close his lips around hers as his fingertips skirted along the hem of her skirt. "This may be a conflict of interest. I'm getting a trick and a treat." He teased, but he didn't want to change one thing about it.

player: lucy locke

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