Week 35 Truth: How does it feel?

Mar 23, 2009 19:22

[Relates to and follows THIS (link NSFW), THIS, THIS, THIS, THIS, and THIS. Remy LeBeau (acesupyersleeve) used with permission and love. Dated for Sunday, March 22, 2009.]

Aryn watches as the early morning Arizona sun filters through the crack in the opaque curtains of their room. She's been awake for hours, just thinking, trying to wrap her mind around the reality of it all.

They're having a baby.

A baby.

Funny how two words (and crazy hormones) can turn a person's life so completely on its head. She's gone through just about every emotion known to man (and a few she thinks she may have invented) in the last week, and she still doesn't know how to feel about it. Mostly, she's alternated between terror at the entire idea and worry about what Remy would say when she told him.

But she doesn't have to worry about it anymore because he knows now.

He dragged it out of her last night even though she hadn't planned to tell him until Monday - and it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She's still terrified of screwing up and still overwhelmed at all the decisions there are to make and the things there are to consider. And she's sure that in a few hours, when they have to get up and get ready to catch their flight home, it'll hit her all over again.

But right now, locked away from the world, with Remy's deep, even breathing in her ear and his arm wrapped around her waist, hand splayed low across her stomach, Aryn thinks it feels like everything's going to be okay. And she wonders, as she closes her eyes and drifts back to sleep, if the baby (their baby) - tiny little bundle of cells that it is - can feel it, too.

Player: Aryn Wakefield
Fandom: Original Character
Word Count: 277

player: aryn wakefield

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