So, today I sort of talked to this girl who was being all emo about this dude who couldn't keep it in his pants and like, wanted to be with her but also wanted to mess around on her. HE SOUNDS LIKE A DOG AND SHE DESERVES BETTER (THERE ARE LADY DOGS TOO).
I kinda got distracted because I was reminded of lyrics from Destiny's Child which led me to think of Beyonce which led me to think of her really big butt and wondering if she needed, like, a special compartment for it and then thinking of Jay-Z which led me to Chris Brown WHICH LED ME TO RIHANNA. Oh my god, RiRi, save yourself. ABUSE IS NOT OKAY. :(
I was gonna go off on this girl, about how she shouldn't sell herself so short and that she didn't need someone to validate her, etc., etc., until I realized, ZOMG, I've always done the exact same thing. Sam didn't stay because I wasn't enough. My dad didn't love me because I wasn't enough. Cable kept leaving because X-Force wasn't enough.
So, yah. I was thinking about it and my biggest mistake has always been thinking IT'S ME. If someone finds it that easy to walk away from me then eff them. I don't want them in my life ANYWAY.
Tabitha Smith
222 words