To a certain someone

Aug 16, 2005 06:41

This was written by my daughter in response to what happened on bus about bus_snark.

To a certain someone...
You are NOT God by any means. You are NOT any great dictator or monarchist to be worthy of your subject's adoration. You have no right to do what you have done. You have deprived some people of the place they felt remotely comfortable to talk about their problems. All because YOU think that you are God.
So what if people weren't comfortable with the environment? That they went to a place to vent and mock. It's human nature. I'm pretty damned sure that you occasionally make fun of certain people mock people. You can't say that you don't. It is no one's fault that you let the environment become the way it did. Maybe had you been more involved, the mocking would have never taken place because some of the people wouldn't have felt the need. Maybe if you would have actually cared about the place that YOU created, it wouldn't have gone to shit with the only people wanting help were the ones who wanted to be convinced that everything was okay and could be cured by a simple internet hug. Some things do take a person being blunt, or do you not realize that?
So what if someone supposedly called you a name? I'm sure plenty of people have called you names before, but did you react as childishly as you have now? And perhaps the person was reacting out of anger, just as you were.
And also, this is the internet - nothing stays where it belongs, not within a community, board, or whatever. There's a little thing called gossip, or haven't you heard? It's the same on the internet as it is in real life, perhaps worse because news can travel faster on the internet.
And exactly how is it that someone is supposed to feel safe on the internet? You want people to feel safe in an artificially created environment that you have no clue who is real or not, yes? It's the INTERNET. There is NO SAFE place, despite what you may think. There are paedophiles, rapists, psychotic people, sociopaths, and any number of strange, terrible people that should not have access to the internet. And they also have access to YOUR artificially safe environment that only encourages giving hugs.
Maybe one day you will have realized how petty and immature you have been. Maybe one day you will have realized that you deprived YOUR environment of some of the most awesome people in the world (including my mother who actually gave a shit about people on the board). Most likely not. I highly doubt it. Someone who doesn't have enough faith in themselves to realize that the problem is themselves and not others will never realize that problem. Not you, never you, because you are PERFECT.
Thank you very much,