Budgeting Discipline - 10/24/12

Oct 24, 2012 10:39

I've been fairly fortunate money-wise most of my life due to a lawsuit I had which paid for my college, plus some. So I'm not used to the concept of actually budgeting, even though I've certainly worked hard most of my adult life to keep my savings account even, until after my mom died and I took a few months off from everything and traveled to get my mind off of it. And then I spent some more money on patent applications.

And having my own business now, money is more like an average person for me now, except I have no boss nor employees to deal with, so a lot less office politics than when I was a corporate slave =)

When I make easy money on the stock market in the morning, it encourages me to be lazy the rest of the day. I really need to cut that out, and keep on track. And also, looking for love is also a distraction from doing business networking - my mind gets confused and thinks that just because I've been doing a lot of networking while looking for love, that my networking is being taken care of. I need to keep in mind that love networking and business networking are quite different and to discipline my mind to keep at both toward good success at both.
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