I don't believe in evolution.

Apr 06, 2009 22:12

Here's why:

Today at work, we were trained on the new fire alarm system.  The staff like to joke and josh about most of the time, and while the thought of fire secretly paralyzes me with fear, I joined in.

One of my coworkers said something to the effect of:  "Don't forget, boys and girls, to Stop!  Drop!  And Rollllllll!"

Elizabeth, our receptionist, said, "I thought that was in case of nuclear attack..."

Yes, she was serious.

The rest of us were stunned into silence.  She was serious.  If Darwin was indeed correct, survival of the fittest would have applied to this woman a long time ago.  She would have died back during the Cold War, when things like nuclear attack were actively talked about.  She would have been eaten by a wildebeest, attacked by pigeons, or dead by a hairdryer in the bathtub.  No, I cannot believe in evolution, because people like her are everywhere, and they're breeding.

Oh, my head hurts now.

wtf, work

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