Apr 25, 2007 16:44
Basic Crap
Name: Aly
Age in years: 18
Age in your experiences: around 18 I guess
Location: Maple
School: RWU
Who was your childhood best friend: Maureen
Did you play with barbies (don't lie!): Yeah
BOYS: Did you ever dress up with girls: ---
GIRLS: Were you a tomboy: yes
Did you watch power rangers: yes
Did you have imaginary friends: No
Doesn't Play Dough taste good: Nope
Did you actually sleep during nap time: I don't know
Did you ever get married at recess: No
Did you make turkeys out of your hand print: Yes
Where do you go to school: RWU
What do you like to do: Hang around, sleep, I don't know
Where do you go on the weekends: Hang with Dave or friends from home
Who are your good friends: Not gunna list people
How many people are on your buddy list: II don't know, 100 something
Do you enjoy chick-flicks: Yeah
Do you have a signifigant other: yea
Do you like high school drama: no, people like it?
Favorite subject: I don't know
What is your favorite song: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls is the 1st one that popped into my head
Favorite drink: Vitamin Water
Favorite food: Chocolate
Where do you want to live: in a house near the water
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you want children: yes
Natural or adopted: Probably natural
What do you want to do: Trying to figure it out
Where is the one place you must visit before you die: Australia and Sicily
What does the end of the world hold in store: ?
What color casket: I don't want to be buried
Do you want to be cremated or embalmed: Cremated
Donate your body to science: Eh, maybe
How would you like to die: Old age
Do you see yourself in heaven or hell: Who knows
Do you believe in heaven and hell: I don't know
About You
Your full name: Alycia Marie
Age: 18
Height: 5ft
Natural hair color: Red
Eye color: Hazel
Glasses/contacts: Yeah
Piercings: Ears twice each
Tattoos: None right now
Braces: Not anymore
Color: Red
Band: Brand New
Song: alot of songs
Stuffed Animal: My bearbear or my stuffed dog that dave got me
Video Game: Crash Bandicoot
TV Show: Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City, America's Next Top Model
Movie: Gladiator is one of them
Book: HP series or VC series
Food: Chocolate
Game on a cell phone: I don't have games on mine
CD Cover: ::shrugs::
Flower: I like Lilies
Scent: Heaven
Animal: All of them!
Comic book: None
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles, Frosted Flakes, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, oh i love cereal
Website: I don't know
Cartoon: South Park
Do You
Play an instrument: Used to play Piano
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week: No
Like to sing: Yeah, if I'm alone
Have a job: Not for the summer fuccck
Have a cell phone: Yeah
Like to play sports: Sometimes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes
Have a crush on someone: Yes
Live somewhere not in the united states: No
Have more than 5 TVs in your house: No
Have any special talents/skills: I can touch my nose w/ my tongue
Excercise daily: I try to
Like school: No
Can You
Sing the alphabet backwards: I can speak it backwards
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes: No for more than a few seconds
Speak any other languages: Some Italian
Go a day without food: I've done it
Stay up for more than 24 hours: Maybe
Read music, not just tabs: I used to be able to
Roll your tongue: No
Eat a whole pizza: Possibly
Have You Ever
Snuck out of the house: Maybe?
Cried to get out of trouble: Possibly
Gotten lost in your city: yes
Seen a shooting star: No
Been to any other countries besides the united states: Mhmm
Had a serious surgery: No
Stolen something important to someone else: No
Solved a rubiks cube: No
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yes
Cried over a boy: Yes
Kissed a random stranger: No
Hugged a random stranger: yes
Been in a fist fight: no
Been arrested: Yes
Done drugs: No
Had alcohol: Some
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose: Not milk
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator: No, I dont think so
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc: No
Swore at your parents: yes
Been to Warped Tour: No
Kicked a guy where it hurts: When I was a kid
Been in love: Yea
Been close to love: yea
Been to a casino: No
Ran over an animal and killed it: no!
Broken a bone: Yes
Gotten stitches: no
Had a waterballoon fight in winter: no
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: no
Made homemade muffins: Yeah
Bitten someone: yes
Been to Disneyland/Disneyworld: yea
More than 5 times: no
Been to Niagra Falls: no
Burped in someones face: no
Gotten the chicken pox: yes
Whens The Last Time You
Brushed your teeth: Today
Saw a movie in theaters: whenever 300 came out
Read a book: This week
Had a snow day: I dont know
Had a party: I dont know
Had a slumber party: I dont know
Made fun of someone: eh, today probabley
Tripped in front of someone: almost everyday
Went to the grocery store: Uh, a few weeks ago
Got sick: I was on and off sick a few weeks ago
Cursed: Today
How many friends do you have: a good amount
What are their names: I'm not naming them
Do you have a best friend: yea
Have you ever liked one of your friends: yes
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends: girl
Have you ever lost a friend: yes
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend: yes
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend: DDFDF
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend: yes
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you: alot of things
Do you miss any of your old friends: yes
What friend have you known the longest: Maureen
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend: probably
How often do you spend time with your friends: i should spend more
Do any of your friends drive: yes
Has a friend of yours ever died: no
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend: We've done stupid things
What do you think your friends think of you: I'm not the one to ask
Have you ever been in love: yea
Are you single: no
Are you in a relationship: yes
Do you believe there is someone for everyone: kind of
What is your idea of the best date: ssomething fun and new and exciting
What was your first kiss like: Sucked
How old were you when you got your first kiss: 12
Do you think love is a load of shit: no
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex: just being with dave...
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before: -
Have you ever been dumped: yea
Have you ever dumped someone: yes
Do You Think You Are
Funny: sure
Pretty: somewhat
Lazy: yes
Hyper: not on the most part
Friendly: yeah
Talented: not especially
Would You Ever
Sky Dive: sure
Play Strip Poker: No
Curse At A Teacher: No
Ask Someone Out: ::shrugs::
Lie To Someone To Make Them Think Better Of You: no
Visit A Foreign Country For More Than A Month: yes
Last Questions
What Shampoo Do You Use: Uh Tresseme or whatever
What Kind Of Computer Do You Have: Dell
What Grade Are You In: Freshman in college
Do You Like To Throw Popcorn At People In The Movies: no
How Many Posters Do You Have In Your Room: i dont know
How Many CDs Do You Have: alot
What Time Is It Now: 5:08pm